Steve Is A Nerd

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It all started with a team movie night, an idea Fury pushed onto everyone. Bonding nights, as Clint started calling them, became weekly about a month after Loki became a member of the Avengers as a community service / probation type deal. No one but Thor and Steve wanted Loki in the Avengers which caused a lot of in fighting, so Fury made bonding nights mandatory.

It was Bruce who suggested the Harry Potter series. Tony was cuddling into Steve on one side of the sofa, Clint was laying with his head in Nat's lap on the other side, and Loki and Thor sat in arm chairs on either side of the sofa. Everyone had candy, popcorn, and drinks. It was a fun night.

Steve fell head first into the Harry Potter fandom. It started with fan theories and ended with Steve finding the official sorting quiz online. So, obviously, he had to sort the whole team.

"Why are you making us take this quiz if you've already decided what we are?" Nat says dryly as she clicks through the quiz.

"Because I have to see if I'm right." Steve defended like it was obvious as he watched everyone take the quiz.

"Well, that was easy," Nat says finishing first. "I'm-" She starts but Steve cuts her off.

"Don't tell me yet!" He puts his fingers in his ears like a child would.

Nat rolls her eyes but waits semi-patiently as everyone else finishes their quiz.

"I think," Steve starts once everyone is done taking their quiz. "Nat and Loki are Slytherins. Thor and I are Gryffindors. Tony and Bruce are Ravenclaws. And Clint is a Hufflepuff." He finally says now that his opinion won't sway the quiz results.

"Wait, wait, wait, I'm not a Ravenclaw. I'm totally a Gryffindor." Tony interrupts glaring at the tablet screen.

"Yeah, this is rigged. I'm totally not a Hufflepuff, I'm a Gryffindor for sure." Clint throws in offended.

"There's nothing wrong with being a Hufflepuff. They have a good sense of justice, they're incredibly loyal and patience, and have a propensity for hard work." Steve defends.

"Of course, I'm in the villain house." Loki says, rolling his eyes.

"Slytherins are not villains, that's a stereotype." Steve sighs, way too invested in this. "You're a Slytherin because you are very ambitious, you're incredibly cunning, I mean you are known for your silver tongue and being able to talk your way out of anything." The blond reasons.

"Tony," He says, turning to his boyfriend. "You're a Ravenclaw not a  Gryffindor because even though you're incredibly brave, your intelligence is beyond compare, you value learning and the wisdom that comes with it, and you're insanely witty." He finishes, smiling at his boyfriend.

"Okay, enough flirting." Nat says rolling her eyes but the smile on her face betrays her mock irritation.

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