Favorite Superhero

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Steve loved his family, and would never ask for things to be different. That being said, he did feel a bit useless. Peter was brilliant, just like Tony... Himself on the other hand, he can't keep up with them.

By the time Peter was in 7th grade Steve wasn't able to help his son with his homework anymore, they've changed how they do things so much...

He always forgets that fathers day is even a holiday of sorts, back in his day you appreciated and loved your parents or you got your ass whooped. Times really have changed.

Steve was sitting on the sofa reading, Peter was probably out with Wade, while Tony was probably in his lab.

Suddenly there's another person on the sofa. Steve puts down his book looking over at his husband and son.

"Were are we supposed to do something today?" He asks, confused.

"Well, today is fathers day, darling." Tony sits next to Steve taking the older man's hand in his.

"I know it's not much, but I got you this." Peter hands his pop a white box smiling.

"Oh Petey, I don't need anything." He says smiling.

He opens the box pulling out a shirt. He reads it smiling, a tear slipped from his eye as he hugged his son tightly.

"Thank you, Peter, I love you."

"I love you too, pops." Peter says, chuckling.

Finally they let go and sit back. Tony -of course- moves in whispering in Steve's ear.

"You can have my gift tonight after Pete goes to sleep." He winks for good measure.

"Ewww." They hear from the young boy which makes them chuckle.

This is the best fathers day he's ever had. Steve is so grateful for his family.

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