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All the Avenger's sat at a table waiting for Fury so they could start the meeting. Tony looked at Steve from across the table and smirked. He has an idea as to how to stop the boredom that is waiting.

"Hey, Capsicle, I'm good at math. U + I = 69."

Steve blushed as the rest of the team looked either shocked, confused, amused, or just "I don't give a fuck" ....That last one was actually just Nat...

Steve bit his lip and after a moment of silence he grinned and said.

"Wait, that would mean that I = 59 cause U sure are a 10."

Tony's eyes widened a bit, he didn't expect Cap to actually flirt back. The mischievous smirk came back, oh, he could work with this.

"No. U + I = 145 as the atomic number for Uranium is 92 and the atomic number for I is 53. Cause we got chemistry, babe." The shorter man said with a wink. Steve smiled, a light shade of pink dusting his cheeks.

"That was smooth as fuck." Clint whispered gaining a few chuckles. 

Tony got up to throw away his gum. Before he went back to his seat he bent down and whispered in Steve's ear.

"Meet me in my lab after the meeting?"

Steve shivered as Tony's hot breath fanned over his ear. He quickly nodded his head. Tony lightly grazed his teeth against Steve ear before whispering 

"Good, I'm looking forward to it, Captain." 

Steve's breath hitched as Tony sat back down in his seat and sent another wink to the blond.

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