1. Not-so-pleasant surprise

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Hello fellow readers,
This is my first book on wattpad. It probably won't be the best, but I enjoy writing so this is gonna be my getaway.
Anyways I hope you enjoy this story.
I have nothing else to say soo...
CATBUG OUT *flies out of window*
Happy Reading xoxo

Ps. I just put a random pic to make you smile :)
Chapter 1: Not-so-pleasant surprise
Ayden's POV

I despise so many things in life, but I have to say one of them is school. How could anyone have fun in this living hell? I'm okay with the learning part but it's the people I dislike.

It's second period and I've already been shoved into two lockers, had erasers flicked to my head, and have been made fun of.

How could life get any better?

"Hey Addie you coming?"

That familiar voice cuts my trail of thought.
I turn around to notice my beautiful best friend Andrea. She's taller than me cause I'm a short ass. I'm 5'4 she's 5'7. Her hair is black and her eyes are ocean blue. By looking at her and her wardrobe you might guess that's she's mean. But she's actually one of the sweetest people you'll meet. She's the only person that is normal like me.

Who am I kidding?
I'm normal?

"Coming," I shout back.

I gather my books and head with Andrea to our lockers. I shove my books in as fast as I can wanting to catch up to Andrea, who is already on her way to the cafeteria. She never waits.

As soon as I'm about to close my locker, I hear the voice that I dread.

"Hey princess"

I turn around slowly to notice Alex eying me up and down.

"What do you want Alex"

"I don't know. What do I want?"

Ugh I hate him.

"Alex for the last time I don't want to go on a date with you! You fucked up and I'm not giving you another chance"

Alex was my boyfriend for 1 year. On our anniversary, I wanted to surprise him. I ordered a pizza for him and paid extra so they can take the pepperoni's and spell out 'I love you' .

I know, I'm so romantic.

I remember his face when I walked in his room. He was all over a girl.

That girl was his cousin.

Fucking cousin.

What kind of dickhead would do that?

I stormed out of his house and went back to my house. Andrea came over and we ate the pizza together. I remember crying so hard that it was hard to breathe.

I was angry and sad for about 2 whole months. I didn't want to leave my room. I thought he loved me. But I guess not.

It was the worst feeling ever. I never had a boyfriend since. I didn't want anyone to break my heart again.

Ever since I broke up with him he kept on asking for a second chance.

Second chance my ass.

"Why not?"

"I don't know. Maybe because you cheated on me?"

"That was in the past. Can't you just let it go?"

"Let it go? Do I look like Elsa to you? My answer is no and that's final. How 'bout asking your cousin to go on a date with you instead. Huh? I'm sure she'd like to go with you. Don't you think?"

I close my locker and leave not wanting to hear more of his complaining. I'm done with him. And I never want to see him again.


Dan and Phil.

Who could hate them?

I'm laying down on my bed binge watching YouTube and eating my favorite snack.

Spicy Cheetos.

I have a draw in my closet where I stash a few bags of them for emergencies.

And boi this is one of them.

I hear someone knocking on my door.

Who dare interrupt my date with my laptop?

My mom opens the door wearing a serious face. This must be important, my mom is one of the silliest people I know and I have only seen that face a few times.

I put down my beloved laptop and allow her to come in. She sits on my bed and clears her throat before starting to talk.

"Darling, we're moving."

Hi fellow readers,
This is crappy but soon it will be better I promise.
I just finished my finals so I might update like 2 times a week or more depending on my mood.

Don't be a silent reader... Comment and tell me your thoughts!

I gotta go now so


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