7. Down the drain

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Decided to write a quick chapter bc of boredom.
The song I'm listening to is in the top (if using a handheld device). It's my new favorite song <3

Okay byeeee,


The hunger games is such a good book series.
I've read all the books 6 times and seen the movies a bajillion times. It's literally my favorite story.

I love Peeta and Katniss and sometimes I just wish to have my own Peeta.

Ugh. I love love.

It's currently Thursday and it's only 2 day until the concert. I'm so excited to finally be able to go to the concert. I've always wanted to go to a One Republic concert but never had the chance to. In my old town not a lot of concerts were held and the closest hall was a two hour drive away. I've only been to one concert and it was a country band. I remember going with Andrea thinking about how fun it was. It wasn't a well known band and I never really liked country music. I guess I was just happy that I was going to a concert for the first time in my 12 years of existence.

I wonder what Andrea is doing right  now.

I close my book and put it on my side table.

I scan my room trying to find my phone. Where is it? Why is it like the only time I need it it's gone?

I feel some thing vibrating my butt. I stand up quickly, scared, and check what it was.

I was sitting on my phone. Why is this a normal thing.

I grab my phone and go on the messages app trying to find Andrea's contact. Once I find it I type a message to start a conversation.

A/N: just a reminder if any of you don't know who is who, Ayden is 'A' and Andrea is 'R'. Xoxo.

Heyyy boo how's it goin'~ A

I wasn't expecting to get a reply until after an hour but she replied right away

I'm great how are you?? ~ R

I'm fine, anything new ~ A

Actually, yeah. I'm in a relationship :) ~ R

OMG!! Congrats!! Who? When? Where? ~ A

We started chatting just the day before yesterday at school and he asked me out! ~ R

Yeeee!! Who is he ?? ~ A


Yippee. Who is he?? ~ A

Oh my gosh!! Did you see the Kimye and Taylor fight ?? Demi and Selena are in it too !! ~ R

I feel like you're avoiding the subject. Why won't you tell me who he is?? ~ A

I'm not avoiding the subject, I just didn't want to tell you right now. ~ R

Cut the crap! It's not like I'm gonna get mad. Unless you're dating Alex; which I hardly think is true XD ~ A


He was really sweet. ~ R

Yeah? Well he was sweet to me and then you know what happened? HE FUDGING CHEATED ON ME!! DOESN'T THAT GIVE A SIGNAL TO YOU ?? HE DID IT ONCE AND GOD KNOWS IF HE'LL DO IT AGAIN!! ~ A

He CHANGED! He promised me he won't do it again. And if he did, it's not like it's going to affect you... ~ R

It IS going to affect me!! You're my best friend and I can't stand it to see you hurt OVER A GUY ~ A

Well you aren't acting like my best friend right now !! ~ R

Not acting like your best friend? I'm freaking saving you from getting your heart broken!!! If that's not being a good friend too you, then I don't know what is! ~ A




-----You have been-----
----blocked by this number----

I put my phone down and think of what just happened. I lay in my bed crying. I just lost a 10 year friendship. I can't get this back. Ever.

I feel the window opening because of a sudden breeze. The bed dips and a pair of arms wraps around me. I open my eyes to look at Nathan sitting right beside me.

"I-I-" I stutter trying to explain to him the situation but he beats me to it.

"Shhhh" he coos, "it's alright"

My eyes were now too heavy to keep open, so I close them and lay my head on Nathan's chest.

"Everything will be alright"

That's the last thing I hear before I drift off to sleep.

I'm fan-girling over my own book!!

The story is officially starting to get better and I am very excited for the next few chapters!!

I have a flight tomorrow and it's for a few hours so I might write a few chapters so it could be ready for updating !!

QOTU: Do you think Andrea or Ayden have a point in the Alex situation ???

How Ayden types is like how I type; I always overdue the punctuation marks. Anyone?? Or is it just me ??

Okay I'm out,
Catbug <3

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