17. You

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Chapter 17: You

"Ooh, these are pretty," I put on the black aviators  that we're on the sunglasses rack in the surf shack.

"How do I look?" Nathan turns around and checks me out.

"I mean the glasses, idiot."

He looks back up and smiles at me.

"Beautiful," he winks and I blush because I guess that's what happens to me nowadays if I'm being complimented by Nate.

I take off the shades and check the price. $17.99. Never mind. I put the beautiful masterpiece back in its compartment and say my goodbyes knowing that I won't be seeing this beauty ever again.

"Okay. Why are we in here, again?" I ask Nathan.

"Were just renting a surfboard for you to use."

We walk to the many surfboards leaning on the wall of this wooden shack and Nathan picks one out for me since I have no clue about surfboards, surfing, or anything in that specific category.

We pay the hot surfer dude and I say my farewells to him knowing that I won't be getting to see that beautiful face and body (mostly body) ever again. Like seriously he was shirtless for some odd reason but that definitely showcased his 8 pack tanned body.

"You gotta take it off."

"But I don't want to! Can't I just surf wearing this?" I plead.

"Not really, unless you want all your clothes to get wet. Or should I say all my clothes getting wet," he smirks at me and I slap his shoulder.

"Fine. But don't look at me." I give him the glare my mom used to give me when I was six and used to eat all the Kit-Kats in the jar.

"No promises made," he says and I threaten to slap him again. He just chuckles and turns around so that I'm facing his back and not his face.

I slowly take off the shirt making sure he's not looking and then take of my shorts. With out those two pieces of clothing I feel naked. Even though I'm wearing a bikini, it just feels weird.

I find my bag and put my clothes in. I hear someone whistling and I turn around.

"You're hot," Nathan states checking me out for the third time today. Why does he keep saying that? I'm the opposite of hot. I'm cold. I look over his shoulder and my eyes land on this beautiful girl. This girl had a perfectly shaped face, cute freckles, long eyelashes, clear skin, and a beautiful body that'll make all the boys (and girls) swoon. She's the definition of beautiful. I'm the complete opposite of her. I don't have a perfectly shaped face, I have big cheeks, I don't have long eyelashes, I have short ones, even Nate's are longer than mines. My skin is just a complete and utter mess, it's not clear, it's bumpy and disgusting. I hate myself oh my gosh!

He grabs my wrist and pulls me to him. His face is now merely inches away from mine and I can feel my breathing becoming louder for some odd reason. I look up into his brown eyes and notice that that they aren't brown. All this time I thought his eyes were hazel with specks of black. But now they're a caramel-like color with specks of yellow. Do they change colors? They were truly magical. I then notice him gazing into my eyes like he's trying to figure them out. There's nothing to figure out from my dull hazel eyes.

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