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I opened my eyes realizing that I wasn't in my room "She's awake" I could hear Anna's voice saying.

I felt a hand grabbing mine , It's was mom's. I could say from her tone that she was too worried "Are you alright?" She asked , I nodded weakly "What happened to me?" , I heard footsteps as Jasper and Dr. Cullen entered the room. Know I remember what happened to me , Jasper and I were kissing at the mount when a lion jumped on us. But Jasper freaked him out so he ran whining and trembling . Unbelievable , I couldn't believe my eyes but I'm sure that what I saw was reality not a fantasy movie. WHAT ARE YOU JASPER?

"Natalie , they demand you at the emergency" Carlisle said to mom. She kissed my cheek "Take care" and left taking Anna with her.

"Jasper.." I whispered , He took my hand softly , I shivered at his touch , he was too inhumanly cold as he said "Don't worry I'm here."

Well , I know he's here but I don't know what is he or maybe how creatures like him even exist , Surely he wasn't a normal human , if he's even a human. He and the other Cullens , they all have the same deep honey gold eyes , they're too cold as an Ice cube and the most important thing Is that they freak out lions. "How could you do that?" I asked in an intensely curious tone .

"Do what?" He asked , like he didn't understand what I'm talking about

"Don't foolish me jasper , you know what I mean, first you threw me five meters away from where I was supposed to fall and I suppose that's why I'm here, second you sent the lion running away and I can tell that he was scared. What kind of people have Golden eyes and cold pale skin like you guys have , you say that you're adopted but you all look alike. WHAT ARE YOU?"

Carlisle Hummed , and left the room after Jasper nodded to him.

"Maria, I saved your life , at the mountain so would you just pay It back by forgetting what happened?" He said , leaving me on a big shock , I really didn't expect this answer , he was telling me to not get my nose on his business . I was determined to figure out the truth I won't give up until I know what that secret he's hiding from me is.

"But I can't forget" I muttered under my breath

"you have to" Guess what?! No , I don't have too and you can't make me forget, I was too angry , two inches from exploding on his face , but suddenly I felt calm and cool

"Okay, Just leave ."



He walked out the room without saying a single word.

I can't believe what was just happening , how can someone be unlucky like me , I was about to confess , to tell him 'I love you' when everything turned foot over head like this. There was no way I give up on knowing the hidden truth but first I have to leave this hospital.


It's Sunday , Jasper didn't call for three straight days , I didn't see him. I wish that I have died that day at the mountain if he was going to act like that he would've let me die , that's better than regretting what he have done leaving me confused . His phone was outline and I don't know where he lives. I laid on my bed when the phone rang I picked It up "Mary!!" I heard two girly voices saying in unison , It's Lauren and Sarah. "We missed you , come out the house we're going to the mall" , I wasn't in mood to get out , but I needed to hang out with someone before turning crazy. I wore some clothes and got out , Natalie and Anna went to my aunt's house so I just left a note.

I got in my truck and drove to the mall where I found the girls waiting for me at the parking , We hugged then went exploring every inch of the shops trying every single piece of clothes , I mean in my case , trying to brush Jasper and his family away from my thoughts.

"MARIA HARMONY CAPULET!" I raised my head To face Lauren "WHAT?" I said

"You look miserable , What in the devil's hell has happened to you?"

"I do?" I asked , finally someone said this to me. "Ugh , I'm okay, just forgot to take back the books to the library" I lied. Suddenly , I saw two familiar faces, Alice and Rosalie with a very beautiful young woman with the same bright gold eyes color. Alice , immediately , came and hugged me , by the time , I realized how much I'm missing Jasper . "How are you?" She asked

"Terrible" I responded

"Uh , I heard what happened between you and Jasper , Sorry for that" She affirmed

"How is he?" I asked

"Terrible" She said

I felt her word ripping my chest in pieces , I miss him too much. "I'm sorry" I hissed

"No , Mary, you don't have to be sorry, We love you too much , don't blame yourself" She affirmed

I smiled to her "I love you too even Rosalie" , "I heard you" Rosalie shouted

"Well, I have to leave now , the girls are waiting see ya at school."

By the night we went back home , I emailed Dad then closed the laptop. I read a book until sleep came and took me to the darkness and calm. These days I was hearing a lot of strange noises but It was too low so I thought that was from the street , I began feeling a weak presence near me and when I open my eyes I see nothing. That thing happened to me a lot for the three last days. And It was repeating now , I opened my eyes immediately to see bright gold ones inches away from my face. I gasped , but the person put his hand on my mouth preventing me from breathing . "It's okay Mary , don't be afraid , It's just me." Jasper.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I liked watching you asleep , It's fascinating" He affirmed

Hell. Is he sick? Or what.

"How did you get here?" My voice softened

He turned to look at the open window then faced me again.

"Ugh, I understand." I said , "But it was closed , and more than six meters away from The ground."

"I know" he affirmed quietly

"I'll ask you one last time before I start screaming 'a rapist' or a 'kidnapper' and you'll answer."

He nodded

"What are you jasper?" I said with a shocked tone

"You believe in super natural?" He asked, I nodded "don't tell me you're a wizard or an Elf or Avatar or a kind of beasts or King Kong or a mermaid"

He chuckled at this " How much movie you've been watching since your childhood, looks like Disney has a huge influence on you" he affirmed

"you're a wizard?" I questioned

"NO something more dangerous" He said

"Hey, Don't start distracting me, just tell me. I knew that there was something abnormal about you"

"I'm a vampire"

A midwinter night's dream(Book I : The storm) Twilight Jasper Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now