Peter Parker- Damsel In Distress

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[I know I'm being super annoying, but everyone please go vote on the thefanfictionawards !! I would honestly be so grateful and happy to have your vote! Do it for Bucky!]

Peter doesn't know what to say when you tell him that you're joining Team Cap. It was obvious who you'd side with, being Sam's sister and all.

But it's still shocking to see you on the opposite side on the battle field.

And in combat, Peter focuses partly on fighting and making sure you're not getting hurt. Which means that he's distracted and doesn't really pay attention to Clint, who's firing arrows at him as he webs around.

An arrow lodges into Peters bicep and he goes down, hitting the ground and not a second later a string of arrows are fired.

He holds it breath, getting ready for the blows, when you're suddenly in front of him.


Lasers shoot out of your eyes, destroying the arrows all except for one.

Peter catches you as you fall, white lenses widened to the max as he spots the arrow sticking out of your shoulder.

"Ouch," You point to his bleeding arm slowly. "That must've hurt."

"Why did you-"

"My damsels in distress!" Peter turns, finding an idiot in a red and black suit riding a pink bicycle. "I have come to rescue you from these di-- I mean, villains!"

"Wade! What are you doing here?"

Wade hops off the bike and sets it flying into Tony, knocking him from the sky and into a cart of luggage. "Oh, that didn't look so good. And you know, breaking the law. Doing illegal stuff that'll probably get me killed. A normal Saturday night."

"Normal," You grip the arrow and pull it out quickly. "Right. Tell Vanessa I say hi."

An enthusiastic nod. "You betcha. Now let's get you two beauties out of here."

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