Bucky Barnes- Battle Field

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[SO I READ THE SPOILERS FOR CW AND OHMYGOD AHHHHHH IM STILL FREAKING OUT I DIDNT HAVE THE WILLPOWER NOT TO LOOK. On another note, I won't say anything about the moving and if you've seen the movie/spoilers, please don't say anything either!]

You've always thought of yourself as a peacekeeper. The one who steps in between two team mates and sets things. To have them talk it out or smack some sense into them until.

But this time, as you dodge webs and legs aiming to hit you anywhere unprotected, you realize that being the peacekeeper this time around won't work.

Spiderman moves faster than you can blink away the thought, and you go flying back, rolling until you hit a crate of boxes.

You stay immobile as you watch everyone fight. It's unnerving to see a group who used to be so close like this. That they're willing to kill each other for their cause.

Another body hits the crates, landing beside you. Bucky huffs, wiping blood from his lip and looks to you.

"You hurt?"

You shake your head, climbing to your feet and narrowly miss a set of claws as Black Panther swipes at you.

Bucky dives into him, both resuming their aggressive punching.

"(Y/n)! Get down!"

You duck without knowing what it is you're ducking from. And then Black Panther is soaring(flllyyinnnnggg) over you and Bucky's grabbing your hand.


Stumbling forward, Bucky guides you further away from the fuming panther, grip tightening when he stops behind a pillar from the airport and pushes back a strand of your hair.

"He's going after you. I'm sorry. It's my fault."

"What do you mean? Everyone on Tony's side is after us-"

"No," He lets out a breath and resumes his posture. "Not like this. He saw that I kept checking on you.. that I wouldn't let you out of my sight. He caught on and now he's not only trying to kill me, but you as well. I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"It's okay. It's fine. It's not like I haven't been the target of a murderous guy in spandex before, Bucky," You give him a reassuring smile  and peek into the battle field. "Uh oh. We need to run. Like right now."

You and Bucky leap out from behind the pillar just in time to watch as Black Panther jumps out of the luggage cart that had turned your hiding place to a pile of dust.

"This isn't good."

"You could say that again."

Black Panther stalks towards you, the claws on his finger tips extending.

"We're so dead."

Steve unexpectedly barrels into him, a shriek of surprise emitting from Black Panther as he slams into the truck he had driven.

"I'm glad to see you guys okay," Steve says, eyes finding your locked hands and grins. "Let's move."

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