Steve Rogers- How About I Do Anyway

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[how about sunrise llaaand? This is so stupid]

"Captain," General Ross rounds the table, getting closer to Steve until you push out your chair, eyes narrowed, stopping him mid-step. "While a great many people see you as a hero.."

Steve tunes him out, his mind wandering to you and to Bucky and the rest of the team. He remembers first suiting up in his uniform for battle and not a show. He remembers SHIELD secretly being Hydra and he frowns.

"..that's something the world can no longer tolerate."

With a great sigh, Steve stands, holds up the Sokovia Accords Ross had given him and rips it in half. Everyone stares in shock as he drops it with a smile.

"How about I do anyway?"

And that's how Ross ends up walking out of a room rattling with laughter, tears rolling down their faces.

"Oh! And general," You stop him right outside of the door. "Maybe you should, or I don't know, hire some samurais."

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