Bucky Barnes- Sparring

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[Requested by sangst3rtrash ]

You've sparred with Bucky long enough to know that he will win every single time. No question there. It's practically guaranteed every time you step into the rink.

But today is different. You've learned a secret move from Natasha after you had begged her to teach you and you're eager to try it out on Bucky.

So when he charged at you, about to flip you over, you sidestep him and take him completely by surprise as you jump onto him, throwing your weight back and wrap your legs around his neck.

You both go down, Bucky landing on his back and pulls at your calfs, but fails at prying them away from his throat. He taps the floor and you release him, whooping in success.

"Ha! Beat that, Barnes. I finally got you. I actually got you, the Winter Soldier, to tap out. Yes!"

Bucky squints as his pride deflates. "Where did you learn that."

"I'd never tell you," You grin, but it slowly dissolves when Bucky leans over you, his face close to yours as he speaks.

"And why is that?"

He doesn't give you a chance to answer as he kisses you quickly on the lips, smirking when he stands and hops out of the ring.

"Maybe you'll win next time, (Y/n)."

You blink up at the ceiling. "Curse you, Barnes.." You mutter weakly from the floor.

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