Steve Rogers- Mix Up

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[I haven't posted anything for so long. Sorry about that, guys. And hey it's almost summer!! Lots of boring days and sleepless nights.. So hopefully I'll be writing more then. Also, I've watched all of the X-Men movies, minus Apocalypse, so I'll be writing about them too.]

Steve's been sent out on a secret mission. He's to meet an agent, one sworn to be trustworthy by Hill and Fury, somewhere in Central Park.

Tony had told him that once he finds the agent, he'd have to ask them half of the password and if they got it correct, then they're the agent and Steve would escort them back to the Tower.

Steve's made it to Central Park, scanning the field for the agent Tony had described to him: (h/c) hair, a red jacket, and red gloves. All red, because apparently Tony had been feeling in a red mood and told Fury that's the color the agent should be wearing when he meets them.

He quickly finds the person alone on a bench away from the crowd and heads over, casually sitting on the bench against the one the agent is occupying.

"It's a nice day out, isn't it?"

The agent jumps, looking a bit confused as they meet his eyes. Steve assumes that it's for the cover and waits for their reply.

"It is," The agent replies, and Steve frowns. Those words aren't the other end of the password. "Unless, of course, I'd see a frisbee instead of the sun when I look up."

The frown disappears and Steve smiles. This is the agent. They probably were just testing him. "Right. Of course. Now, would you be so kind as to tell me your name?"

"Um.. It's (Y/n)."

"Agent (Y/n), then," Steve stands, rounds the bench and holds out his hand. "We're in a bit of a hurry."

"A-A what..?"

Steve sighs and reaches forward, pulling the agent to their feet. "I'm sorry, but really do have to go. Tony is waiting for us."


"Stark," Steve says. "Weren't you briefed about this?"

"I mean, I don't think so-"

"Then I'll explain on the way, Agent (Y/n)."

"Oh my god."

"What," Tony turns as Steve enters the room with you in tow, gawking at the person standing before you. "Is something the matter? I did eat tuna for lunch. Does it smell in here?"

"No," You wave your hands. "No, no. It smells really rich in here. I mean, nice. It's nice. And you're rich. You're nice and.. rich."

Tony raises an eyebrow at Steve. "This is the agent?"

Steve nods. "Yup. The answer to the password was correct."

"Okay. Then let's get to it. Agent (Y/n), meet Steve Rogers."

Your lungs suddenly stop working as Steve takes off his cap and sunglasses. "Sorry for being so discreet earlier. It was a part of the cover."

"Oh, you're so sweet, Steve. Truly. I think I'm getting a cavity just from standing so close to you."

"Just get to business," Steve sighs. "This mission is important."

"Mission?" You hesitantly take a step back. "What mission?"

"The one which you'll be joining Captain Rogers on..?" Tony squints. "Were you not briefed about this?"

"No, not at all. And actually, I think you have the wr-"

"Excuse me," Natasha enters the room, slapping down a hand full of files onto the table in front of Tony. "You guys need to leave. Now. And Tony, you filed all of these wrong. I need you to go back over them."

Tony groans as he flops down into his chair. "Okay. Whatever. You two, get out. Go save the world while I sort through this mess. I'll probably get a million paper cuts."

"N-No, wait, seriously-"

"Agent," Natasha hands you a folder. "Go over these. They're blueprints for the hydra base you'll be infiltrating. Good luck."

You take the folder, shaking your head as you open it. "I'm not-"

"Look over it in the jet. Do you have a uniform under that?"

"A uniform? Well, no, but-"

"Steve, show her were the spare uniforms are, then get on that damn jet or I will drag you both by your ears."

You open your mouth to try and explain that you're not the agent, that you can't fight, and to ask seriously what is going on?

But then Steve is exiting the room and Natasha pushes you after him.

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