Clint Barton-Coffee

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[Soo I've made an Instagram account called TheGreatBatsy and I have no idea what to do with it. Should I post imagines..? Aesthetics..? Something..? Please help me.]

Clint eventually finds out about the coffee maker in the kitchen one day. He had meant to take the elevator to the Starbucks on the base floor, but the elevators had mysteriously broken(Tony's suit malfunctioned and had flown through the elevator shafts and had gotten stuck) and he's too lazy to take the stairs.

So he makes himself a cappuccino using the fancy coffee maker, digging around the shelves for anything to eat while the machine brews his drink.

He finds Captain Crunch and Lucky Charms, but no milk.

The ingenious idea to use the cappuccino inside of milk came to mind right as the machine rung, signaling that the drink had been finished.

Clint grabs a bowl, dumps the cappuccino and reaches to grab a cereal box, having trouble picking which one he should eat and ends up taking both.

And that's how Natasha finds him munching on Lucky Charms, Captain Crunch, and sipping a cappuccino all at once.

"It's efficient, Nat! I have breakfast and coffee in the same mouthful!" Clint had said, right before Natasha banned him from ever using the coffee machine again.

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