Bucky Barnes- April Fools

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[MilanoNoelle your fault. Somehow.]

Sneaking up on an assassin is hard. Sneaking up on a sleeping assassin is even harder. Screwing off a sleeping assassins arm even more hard. And actually getting away with it in one piece? Nearly impossible.

But you somehow managed to do just that when Bucky had fallen asleep on the couch in the main room.

Now with the deadliest assassins metal limb, you take it to Tony's lab and get to work on modifying it to perfection.

Bucky wakes with a start, feeling ten times lighter as he sits up.

And then it hits him.

His arm is missing.

He scrambles off the couch, crashing into the floor and groans.

Steve comes running into the room almost instantly, eyes wide as he finds Bucky on the floor. Armless.

"Buck!" Steve rushes to his side, setting him back on the couch and dusts off his shirt. "You okay? Where's your arm?"

He shakes his head. "I.. I don't know."

Tony then enters, arm in hand. Bucky's arm in his hand. He's holding Bucky's metal limb and waves it. 

"You dropped something?"

"Where," Steve snatches the arm from Tony's hand. He takes Bucky's arm from his hand and hands it to Bucky. Who currently has one hand.. and uses that one hand to take his other hand. "Did you get this?"

"It was in my lab," Tony waves as he leaves. He waves his hand. Which had held Bucky's arm. "I didn't put it there."

Steve helps Bucky attach his arm, jumping back when a panel on the side suddenly opens and they both stare as a mechanical bird pokes its head out and squawks.

"That's.. new."

Bucky holds up his hand, squinting at it suspiciously. "It feels different."


He curls his finger and points his index finger. A bubble blower extends from the tip, both super soldiers not knowing what to do as Bucky blows and a bubble floats into the air.

"That's also new."

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