Sam Wilson- Sweet Spot

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[Mhm. I watched part of the Jimmy Kimmel thing. Seb why you gotta say that lube part man.]

The first thing you see upon entering the room is Sam smacking away Steve's hand and backing away.

"Don't touch my sweet spot, man. That's just weird."

"Your.. what?"

Sam squints. "What, you don't know what that is?"

"Am I supposed to?"

"(Y/n)," Sam waves you over. "C'mere for a second. You know about the sweet spot, don't you?"

You sigh. "Yes, Sam, I do."

"Okay, good, cause I need to show him what it is. You cool if I do?"

"Yes, Sam. I'm okay with it."

Steve raises an eyebrow as Sam stands next to you, making a gesture as he leans closer and places his hand on your lower back.

You instantly snort when his nose brushes your neck. "A little closer there, Pigeon."

He turns to Steve with a huff. "That's weird, right?"

"Um.. no?"

"What- you know, I'm done with you people. You calling me pigeon and you not knowing what the sweet spot is," Sam clicks his tongue and strolls out of the room. "I'm done."

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