How That Part in Civil War Should've Gone. Spoilers.

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[The Staron kiss. I actually shriveled up and died.]


"Buck," Steve rests his arms on the cars roof. "C'mon, just get in the back."

"I said no."

"Then Sam," Steve turns to his friend leaning against the hood. "How about you get in the-"

"Not happening."

"You couldn't have gotten a bigger car?" Bucky kicks the car and the hubcap pops off. "It's falling apart."

"You told me to find us a get away car and I did."

"Where," Sam grumbles. "The dump?"

"Not exactly," Steve ignores their frowns as he climbs into the drivers seat. "Figure out who's sitting where. We have to move."

"I'm not sitting back there," Sam narrows his eyes at Bucky. "You owe me for kicking me off the helicarrier."

"I do not," Bucky huffs. "And you owe me for kicking me back when I was going to shoot Steve."

"Because you were going to shoot Steve!"

"He would've been fine," He mumbles.

"Man, get in the back," Sam pulls the carseat forward and gestures inside. "Or do I have to force you."

Bucky startles when a hand grabs his own, tugging him into the car. Steve smiles up at him when Bucky bends down.

"C'mon, Bucky. Get in the car."

Sighing, Bucky shoves Sam aside and climbs in, moving around uncomfortably. "My legs don't fit."

"Too bad," Sam slams the door shut once he's buckled up.

They drive for a while until they stop underneath a bridge, a woman with blond hair standing by another car. She smiles at Steve as he walks towards her.

Bucky leans closer to Sam. "Can you move your seat up?"


Glaring at the back of his head, Bucky scoots over, giving Sam's seat a small kick as he does so.

The blond woman and Steve exchange words and Bucky and Sam gasp when they kiss.

"Oh my god."

"Gag me."

"Just smile," Sam hurries to plaster a smile on his face when Steve looks back at them. "If that wasn't the most wrong thing ever to happen on the face of this planet then I don't know what was."

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