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 After a few hours have gone by i shivered,I knew i had been in this village too long .Things started to not feel right so i signaled kale to head to the woods so we can leave. I was running through the woods when,
* crash*
A massive black wolf with peircing red eyes tackled me and started growling, baring his teeth. Suddenly to his side were two more wolves, both not as big but very close one was a reddish color and the other was a warm chocolate brown. The red one approaches me as the black one starts to stalk towards the trees, after hearing a bone crunching sound a very buff tan man walked out from behind tree" what are you doing on my land?!" He said in a deep but dominating voice. Refusing to speak i tugged my cloak alittle closer over my wings. " I asked you a question! What are you doing on my land?!" He spoke again, this time his voice held more athority. He grasped my chin and yanked my head up forcefully making me look into his eyes. I was met with eyes that matched my own....

Cliff hanger!

Lol not really made ya look!

Anyways after he forced my chin up and locked eyed with mine it felt as though a bond was formed instantly. Not a romantic lust full kind like i have with my boys but a protective sibling-ship. Returning back to normal with a shake of his head he pulled me to my feet," come we need to talk" he said to me in a calmer voice while signaling his goons to follow him.

Safe With You (Alaska bush People fan fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant