Calm before the storm

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Morning came too quickly for my liking, within fifteen minutes we were up and the babies were fed and changed." Are you sure they'll accept me?" I one arm hugged him and reassured him that everything will go as planned." Of course and you know they have two daughters right ? Maybe you'll finally get off your ass and get a decent girl" i cheekily said to my brother before running away. He inevitably caught me and pinned me to the floor careful of my wings before tickling mu sides so hard i started crying because i couldn't stop laughing. " Okay! Uncle! I give i'm sorry!" I yell which makes him retreat his attack on my sides while chuckling. The babies on the couch started doing the cutest laugh" i guess its time to go, the babies seem happy" he says and we walk to the couch this time strapping them both to David, the plan was that id fly us to the side of the island and drop them off and have them wait for a signal while i go to the family. We left the cabin and trucked to the main road which happened to be a hill. " Get a running start!" I yelled to David, he nodded and began jogging. I launched into the sky before swooping down and grabbing him under the arms. " Holy wolf balls this is high!" He yells as we ascent over the water, i answer with a nod because i'm scared ill drop him if i started laughing.
~ hour time skip~
We came face to face with the island and i descended dropping David off into light brush with the twins before taking off again. When the oh so familiar beach came to view i let out the biggest howl i can manage before performing some spins and flips in the sky with delight, the family heard me and rushed onto the beach cheering, i slowly made my decent because the draft from the ocean was rough before dropping onto the beach. " YOUR HOME!" Ami yells at me being the first to hug me, the girls squealed and hugged my back and side and billy came to my left giving me a quick hug and a hardy pat on the shoulder.
Once they let go it was the boys turn, bam, matt, and noah rushed me giving me extremly tight hugs and welcome homes. The only people who were missing were my mates so i turn to ami who pointed to the house. Taking off toards my new destination i ran as fast as i could, when i came to the door i silently opened it and crept my way up stairs to the boys old room. Opening the door i came to find bear and gabe sprawled out on a big bed cuddling what were my old pillow and blanket, so i slowly tip toed to the bed and sat in the middle of then. With out moving the bed i leaned over and gave them both kisses on the lips first gabe then bear. Bear groggily awoke first and looked at me like i had two heads before turning over and punching his brother then pointing at me. It seemed to hit them both at the same moment because the launched out of bed and tackled me yelling" YOU CAME BACK!".

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