time comes and goes

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Time flew and the season changed rapidly from the warmish but brisk fall days to the harsh bitterness of winter. The boys have gotten bigger and keep trying to crawl after bear, who laughs in hysterics while he too crawled around the house.
Ami has been teaching the girls and I how to preserve the veggies and other food that the family had accumulated in order to last us all winter. And all in all the family is getting along nicely.

I've done two or three more fish catches for the family, since the boys eat solid food now they surprisingly eat a large amount. Billy is getting noticeably tired so the boys and i decided to do something special for him and Ami. I employed matts help specifically for this, he fashioned a two person seat made out of a light rope and tarp seats which we had Gabe and Bear test try over the water incase it failed. The seat held and the girls prepared a lovely dinner for when we returned, at dusk the boys all got onto the boat and set sail to the middle of the waters. The water hasn't frozen yet so its ok for them to be out on the waters for now. At the homestead Ami and Billy were bundled up and sitting in the gift mat made. Noah was going to use a CO2 powered gun to shoot the rope up to me as i flew, but we bailed on this idea because i would have no way to secure it to myself; so Noah created a sort of chest harness that world allow me to fly while balancing the couple using a series of buckles.

Back to present in the homestead ami and billy were lead underneath A cliff on the side of the island while my rig was on top held by gabe until I got the boys settled. My babies were astonished by my flying and have been spoiled by it and are now jealous. "brother are you sure you can watch them? bird and rain are more than capable." david scoffs and holds them closer to his chest " I have to prove I'm a capable male for my mates!" I raise my hands up in defeat and walk in the direction of the cliff into a hug from my tree hubby gabe:$

Taking a moment to tie up my hair I give gabe a long kiss before strapping in and flashing the safety go light to the ship. Flexing my wings gabe takes a step back " mom, dad are you ready?" He tells and they shoot off a small hand gun into the sand meaning go!.

After some hefty sprints and a large leap I launch into the sky adjusting my wings for ami and Billy's  added weight I begin to raise altitude so they are about 20 feet over the water and rising. I get them over the tree line and flash the boat again. On a ten count they light off fireworks of all beautiful colours and shapes. We spent alittle extra from David's pack fund to get ones that spelt B&A in the sky and one that shot out hearts. I began to circle the boat keeping them at a safe distance because I couldn't hover with that much extra weight.

Looking down I see ami is cuddled into Billy and I'm pretty sure they were crying at the not only beautiful display but also at the family who were on the beach with sparklers and a big banner.

Once the boat ran out of fireworks I rose higher so ami and Billy could see most of their island, their home, and their family. This gave the boys time to get back to shore.

After about 10 minutes I started to descend in large circles before easing up and approaching the beach at a slight angle like we talked about. I would fly low enough so the parents would touch sand and be caught by everyone. Then immediatly detach from the rig and do a last fish sweep of the season before joining them on the beach. This surprisingly went smooth and I was standing with my sons and holding a large bag or fish about 20 minutes later.

After what seemed like an eternity of hugs and tears and smiles we made our way back to the house for a yummy meal.

Safe With You (Alaska bush People fan fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant