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She stands there beautifully, wearing all black from head to toe- which includes her long, natural, straight hair: black t-shirt, black leggings, black boots.

It's her again.

She doesn't look like she's a hard rock girl, instead she looks like she listens to undiscovered songs your radio won't play. She looks like she's afraid of people instead of feeling hatred towards them. She looks like she's heartbroken instead of a heart-breaker. She looks like she knows all your secrets and is, as well, full of secrets herself.

I've seen her a three times already. The first one was at a bookshop. She was browsing through the bookshelves while I was just stopping by to buy a book I was meant to buy.

But I saw her, and she saw me. I smiled.

I found her attractive.

The second and third was in a coffee shop. I was sitting with my brother and she walked in, almost breathless, and bought a cup of iced caramel latte with whipped cream on top. I knew it was the same girl I met at the bookshop, because of her hair, her long lashes and dark brown eyes. I knew it was the same girl I met a week ago because I haven't got her out of my head yet.

She saw me. She smiled.

She looked as beautiful as the first time we met.

Today we were in a supermarket. I was running an errand for my mother but it didn't end as quickly as expected. I saw her at the sweets/chocolate aisle, and I just knew it was her.

It is the way her hair falls down her face, the way her eyes look like they were about to pour out some tears, the way her fingers fiddle with the items she holds.

I am attracted to her beauty.

There was a strong urge in me, forcing me to say a word or two to her. The fact that I've seen her almost everywhere I go is just making me curious. Is life playing around with me or is it fate trying to bring us together?

And so I went to her and said hi.

I looked at her. She looked at me. We smiled.

God, I'm in love with her.

The thing about him is that he is attractive. He has the looks and the 80's charms and the things I just simply can't resist- his electric blue eyes, his perfectly-carved lips, his slender nose. He's beautiful.

After a few times seeing him around, he finally said hi to me. Jackpot. It felt like a dream at first, and then I realized it was a dream that came true. He walked over to me at my favorite section in that supermarket and explained to me how he had met me a few times before and if I had ever seen him, too, even knowing that we met eyes in those places. It was the best day of my life...

...but if only, the meetings and bumping-intos were real, like real real; if only I wasn't following him around whenever I happen to see him somewhere, if only we were there by accident. By fate.

It felt like lying, and guilt has never stopped washing over me since that day, but it alse felt good. Is it a sin to feel good on something you should feel terribly bad about?

But like I said, he is attractive. He attracts me to him. He is irresistible. Is it still my fault that he decided to think this is fate's doing? Is it still my fault he decided to come over? Is it still my fault that I'm in love with him?

How would he react if I told him I've been on his tail all along? If I told him this isn't a part of god's plan?

I'm sorry but I love you.


A/n: There was one time when I saw this cute guy at a supermarket. I wasn't really following him around or vice versa (maybe???? Ayy) but every time I went to an aisle, he was there. I noticed bc he was cute so. So this was inspired by that

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