If you date her

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If you date her, she's going to spoil you. She's going to bake you cookies, she's going to buy you gifts, she's going to make you the best coffee in the whole wide world. There will be quiet nights in the kitchen, movie watching and pizza in the living room, small light switched on until late night in the bedroom for reading, and they all will be a ritual.

If you date her, she's going to hug your pain away. She might be clingy, hooking her arm on yours, wrapping her hands around your waist, intertwining her fingers with yours at chances she can, but you're going to like it. She's going to play with your hair, non-stop kiss your face, take deep breaths of the scent on your skin and even gently bite your ears or cheeks. She's going to steal your clothes, eat half of your food and take up the space at your place. But you're going to like it.

If you date her, you're going to hear "I love you" every day, every minute, every breath she takes. You're going to be the one she whispers poems to. You're going to be one she writes books about. You're going to be the one she dedicates songs to. You're going to be known as the best she's ever had.

If you date her, you will finally feel how it feels like to be truly loved. Her parents will love you. Her siblings will like you. Her relatives will treat you good. Her friends will want to hang out with you. She's going to love you and will always will.

If you date her, not only you will love her. Your friends will like her, too. Your family, for she is very sweet. Your best friend, for she is fun to be around with. Everyone.

If you date her, she's going to want to marry you. She's going to want to have future with you. You will listen to her talk about your future apartment, and how many pet cats she wants to get, and what is she going to name them. She's going to talk about how midnights and early mornings are going to be. She's going to talk about how she's going to at least try to solve every problem and answer every question. She's going to talk about having children and grandchildren and great grandchildren and growing old up to 2 centuries with you. She's going to tell you how she wants to be with you for the rest of her life.

If you date her, you never going to ever not be glad to have her. If you date her, you're going to always love her. If you date her, you will want to marry her and live up to 2 centuries with her.


A/N: don't be what every guy wants in a girl. If he's real, he'll come to you, and will love you unconditionally, endlessly. Don't change for anyone! ☺

Also, happy national poetry day! May we all be written and remembered in poetry. 💕


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