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Carolina drives home and the clock dings at 11. It's so dark and cold- her vision is weakening as oppose to her fatigue and her temperature is decreasing as flu is catching up to her. But she drives home, anyway. There's no place in the world she would rather be at than home.

The stars are barely out tonight, but she looks up from the road, anyway, with the hope that the cloud would clear up and show her some. It's ash indigo and serene.

Carolina is a monotonous painting in black and white. Sometimes she is a defected sketch. At times, she is barely a shade of a picture. Most of the time, however, she is a flaw in a colourful masterpiece.

In a world full of wonderful people, she barely has a chance to shine the way she ever dreamed of shining. She isn't one to stand out. She isn't one to make people glance at her the second time. She isn't special. Not at all.

Until one day in May... It was breezy and cool.

He saw her in colours no one knew. He succeeded in overlooking her flaws and sees total perfection. He found her his whole world, his universe, his everything. And this had been the best feeling to Carolina.

"Sara," he would call her, a nickname he gave her which means princess. "What do you find in me?"

They would be in her living room or on the hammock in the garden of his house, and they would stare ahead with arms wrapping around each other. Usually, it would be that time of the day when the sky is blazing golden or angry orange, or the stars are visible in the dark night.

"What do I see in you?" She had once asked again. "I see everything I ever wanted packed into a person."

He chuckled. She could hear his rapid heartbeat in his chest against her ear. "Do you see books in me?" He joked.

She smiled. "Oh I see millions of stories in you. Of you. Of me. Of us," she rubbed her thumb against his palm. "The ones been written. To be written. Never be written...."

His hand moved to caress her head, then his fingers would net themselves into her brown hair. His nose pressed against the top of her head.

"I love you, Carolina Lynae. No matter what. And nothing's going to change that."

At the back of her mind she knew that was wrong. Everything changes. Take the world in 1950's and the world now. The difference is striking. Take myself before I met him and myself after him. The difference is overwhelming.

"I love you, too," she quietly had said, for the first time after that spring when they began. "Always and forevermore."

A tear rolls down her cheek as her heart breaks a little bit more, her fingers became weaker than her whole being ever was.

It was a promise kept none.

Because he's now gone... always and forevermore.


A/n: Carolina Lynae is a character from my other book called "Carolina" (and its spin-off "That Girl's Heart"). I really hope to publish them soon.

And don't worry, this is not a spoiler. ☺


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