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Her heart becomes a garden because each time she falls in love, a flower will grow.

It was a dead soil in the beginning. Just a land of brown, unwanted and vapid to the eyes of those who have flowers in their hearts. Her existence doesn't give live; she doesn't burst into colours and light. She was just a being, unnoticed.

But when she falls in love with him, a boy with flowers scattered all over the place, she realizes she could make a change on herself. Although it requires her to take dangerous risks and get hurt, she wants to go through it all. Maybe it's time to browse through others' gardens, even though they could have thorns.

She notices then little grasses upon the monotonous ground. Even small, it looks alive. She had never thought it was capable to do that. As she falls for him again and again, flowers grow taller and more.

But was she really in love with him, or was she taking advantage of him to just grow flowers on her initial quiet, empty land?

He has an amazing pool of flowers- he must've been in love a lot of times. But as she plucks out his flower, a new one grows within her touch. He is falling for her, too.

"Don't pluck mine, though," she warns him. "These are of yours."

Each flower represents a feeling for someone. If it is plucked, the feeling is removed from the heart. She seems to always pluck his older flowers, and he admits he likes it. It helps him to get over past lovers.

Sometimes the flowers die out themselves. Maybe not harvested well. Maybe because it's not our favourite anymore. Maybe forgotten...

Anyways, she likes him very much. She falls and grows more flowers every day; each day she sees him, each time she thinks of him. And she helps him a lot removing dead flowers and those he couldn't take care of- and also of those he didn't dare to pluck. She helps him clean his garden, and grows more beautiful flowers.

Their gardens are the most magical.

But he itches to touch hers. People like the dangerous and the most vulnerable. People like challenges and taking chances. He is one of those people.

He picks a flower and puts it in a pot near his garden, name it after her. He picks another and more, and eventually he makes a bouquet of her.

Soon she cannot grow flowers anymore. Her soil has died. Again. She wants to stay, but she can't because he's only bad for her. And so she leaves.

His flower is alive, still vivid and thirsty. But he's suffering. He's loving alone. And yet he still waters what he has left of her.


A/n: it didn't turn out very well because i was procrastinating while writing this sigh 


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