A kind heart

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Alone in the darkness of her bedroom, she cries the way the sky does at the moment. Her tears are rainfall, her gasps are lightning, her sobs are thunder, her heart is the sky. She cries, she cries as hard as she can, because nobody is listening. Nobody cares.

She asks herself why is her life like this; why is it so full of sadness when all she ever gave to the others is happiness, pleasure, contentment. She has been a good person with a kind heart and a warm touch, but why is her deed always returned with the opposite? Is being a good person a sin? Is being a kind heart a disappointment? Is a warm touch a pain? She doesn't understand.

She closes her eyes and prays. She prays for the people who have hurt to realize how important she actually is. She prays for them to knock on her bedroom door and apologize for what they have done. She prays for herself to be able to forgive again.

It is a good prayer, isn't it? Sometimes you just have to be selfish but you are important, too.

She is a good person with a kind heart and a warm touch, and she will cry all over again the next time.


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