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I have always been a storm. I call disaster when nobody asks for one. I cause damages when everyone has settled perfectly. I hurt them in any way at any day.

For my whole life, I do not know how to control my storm. I was born with it. Because of it, I watched the people I started to love and care about and have faith for leave me stranded to my own ruins, without goodbye, with such heartlessness, as if I was someone they never knew.

I watched them left and I cried because I had no idea what to do next. I had no idea on how the hell do I keep people in my life from leaving. I had no idea...

...until I decided to build tall walls around me and not break any of it even by anything at all. Keep myself away from any intimate interaction. Do not trust anyone. Do not fall in love. Keep your head up and smile.

However, like any other love story, a boy stepped into my life and tried to break these carefully constructed iron walls. His smile, his eyes, his voice, his warmth, his heart- everything- had power beyond imagination to ruin my walls. He grinned like I was his happiness. He looked at me as if I was everything he ever wanted. He spoke like angels singing. His warmth melted my heart. His heart beat rhythmically to mine. He was beautiful.

And I warned him about me. I warned him about the storm. In fact, he saw the storm before I wanted to show him.

And I don't know if he was brave and strong and was up for danger anytime, or is a total fool, he stayed. He stayed through the disasters and helped me fix all the damage. He stayed and loved the storm and had fun in it like it was nothing to be afraid of. He stayed and lived through it all.

No, he didn't break my walls. Not completely. He punched a hole and let himself in. I let him in.

Nevertheless, we were good together. I was the storm and he was the calm. I loved him- I still do. And he loved me.

God, he loves me as the storm I am.


A/n: it was originally just the last sentence at first, but i thought i'd write a story about it. But god it's bad.


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