What love is probably like

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Love is probably like when you wake up next to him in the morning with not just kisses on your skin but fingers tracing the outline of your facial features.

It's probably like when breakfast is prepared in bed or dinner is made by him just because you're his princess. Or sometimes crazy junk food or snacks in the living room with gore movies or weird TV shows in the living room just because you're his best friend.

It's probably like coming home to you as early as possible, or that tingling feeling in his heart as it itches to see you soon, because he goddamn misses you with all of his atoms, impatient to spend time with you.

It's probably the feeling of understanding towards each other, as well as trust and respect in any situation you're in. It's probably the will to fight for each other, screaming at one another's faces as we try to prove what's right for the both of us. It's probably the tears that fall down our cheeks, and the real heartbreak in our chests and breathlessness felt.

It's probably falling asleep in the living room alone with bloodshot eyes and puffy face, and then waking up to see him sleeping soundly next to you.



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