I Don't Understand That Reference pt. 2 AU

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Dean couldn't stop smiling to himself, his mind was overwhelmed with everything from Cas' face when he saw Dean's number go getting an actual date. He was swimming in endorphins, nervous adrenaline and just intoxicated with joy.

It seemed too early to get excited about this, but who could blame him?

His shift ended sooner than he thought it would, then he got changed into casual wear and pulled out his phone.

Hello Dean. I was wondering if you would want to join me for dinner tonight at 7pm in the First Palace bar & restaurant? - C x

Dean's fingers fumbled and shook, his body pulsing and he was dizzy with excitement. In fact he was trembling so much he had to curl up for a couple of moment and just grin to himself.

To others he probably looked creepy but it was only the other few staff members coming back to get refills so they knew he wasn't entirely crazy.

Eventually, Dean brought himself round to text back. His hands were still quivering occasionally but it was not enough to be debilitating.

I'd love to, Cas. I'll see you then! - D x


Dean spent at least one hour in the shower, then another sorting out his hair and a tiny bit of makeup in front of the bathroom mirror. It was only subtle anyway so it didn't look like he'd been tired and running on caffeine for the last week.

Little did he know at that time Cas was doing a similar thing in another suburban area across town, making his hair a more combed mess than just plain mess. He had a dopey smile on his face and that butterflies feeling in his chest.

Cas didn't shave to retain that stubble and almost growing beard look; but Dean did, more careful than usual not to cut himself. He looked much more youthful like that, which wasn't bad, it just made him feel like he was too young.

The time was ticking down, and Cas wanted to get there 10 minutes early. He'd barely chosen this outfit, he sort of found what was clean and new because he forgot his little time he had.

Dean would turn up with much more fashion sense than him, but it wasn't all about looks. It was about if one of them was a crazy stalker/mass murderer or not.

After parking his motorcycle, Dean checked his watch, turned his phone on silent and headed into the First Palace.

It was already dark outside so the lights inside were warm and welcoming - there was even a fire in the corner. He scanned this room for Cas but couldn't find him, so he squeezed past some people to the quieter rooms. Room 1 was basically full, but the next one along was quiet, had nice music in the background and romantically lit tables.

Castiel was sitting at one of these tables, looking through a menu. He looked slightly lonely so Dean quickly headed over to him.

The scrape of the chair opposite him made Cas jump a little. "Dean!" he beamed, "I didn't know if you had the right room or..."

"I found you eventually. It's a nice place, this, isn't it?" Dean took his jacket off and put it around the back of he chair. "Quite...romantic."

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