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I get changed into my swim suit and put a cut up tank top on and then I braid my hair.

I'm eating a cupcake when I hear the doorbell.

"Can you get that?!" Tracy yells.

"Uhh...yeah!" I yell back.

I answer the door and there stands Brandon.

" hi...again." I giggle.

"Hey Brook."

Hunter starts walking from the car and it looks like he's on FaceTime.

" hey I gotta go, I'll talk to you later." Hunter says.

"Okay bye." I don't know who says it but they sound familiar.

Hunter hangs up.

"Hey Brooklynn!"  He smiles.

"Hi hunter."

"You ready to get in the pool!"


I jump in the pool thanking the lord that I didn't put make up on.

Hunter takes off his shirt and I try to look away but I can't.

I yell to Brandon, "are you coming?!"

"Yeah in a minute!" He yells back.

I turn away from Brandon's direction and Hunter jumps in with a big splash.

" so.. who were you taking to earlier?"
I say trying to create small talk.

"Oh just my friend Jacob." Hunter says.

"Jacob? As in Sartorious?" I ask.

"Yeah why? Do you know him?"

"Uh yeah...he's my ex boyfriend actually."
I mumble.

" wait a second...your the Brooklynn he's always talking about?"

Oh god.

"Yeah...that's me.."

"He's real heart broken you kno-"

"Yeah I know, but it's not my fault he cheated on me."

"He cheated on you?" Hunter asks.

"Not exactly but pretty much.."

"Oh..well..im sorry." He says.

"No it's fine." I say.

Brandon jumps in with a water gun.

He sprays water all over me and Hunter.

I go underwater as fast as I can to avoid the water gun.

I splash Brandon until he drops the gun.

We're all laughing when Christine yells,
" the burgers are ready!"

We all dry off and eat burgers.

Once were done I sit in the couch with Ashton while he plays car racing games on his IPad.

I hear Hunter on the phone in the guest room.

I feel bad that im gonna snoop but I do it anyway.

I press my ear up to the door and hear Hunter say,  "Yeah she's cool."

Who? Me? No. Not me. Idk!

I can't hear a response.

"Nah bro, I call dibs." I hear Hunter say.

After I hear that I take off.
I speed walk down he hall way freaking out.

No. He's not talking about me.
Hunter Rowland would not say that about me.

But then a thought runs through my head,
"What if it is me?"

No Brook you like Jacob. Wait what?? I mean Ethan. Well not really but..ugh.

I sit outside and try to stay calm.

Hunter walks outside and sits beside me.

"Where were you?" I ask.

"Oh Jacob just FaceTimed me."

"Oh." I say.

" hey I over heard Tracy say that she works tomorrow so you'll come spend the day with us."

"Oh cool. Do you know what we're doing?"

"Uh I think we're going to the movies."

"Sounds great." I say.

"I'll text you if she tells me the plan."

I pull out my phone.

"I don't have your number." I say.

" oh here. I'll type it in."

He takes my phone.

"Here you go." Hunters hands my phone back.

"Thanks. I'll text you so you have my number."

I text him a simple 'hi'.

He sends the dog emoji back.

The sun is setting and it looks beautiful.

Hunter scooches closer to me and his hand lands on my hand.

We both look at our hands. One on top of the other.

He looks at me, smiles, and takes his hand off of mine.

(which im kinda sad about.)

"Hunter!! We're waiting for you!!" Christine yells.

"I gotta go." hunter grins at me.

"see ya tomorrow." i say.

"bye!" he says walking away.


🌸 yep that's it I guess :)

🍼 I'll probably update later tonight

👑 i love you guys so much!! Have a great day!

Pick Me.❥// Jacob SartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now