A Regular Day In The Labyrinth

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*Roselea's POV*

I was just waking up in my room, the sun shining on me. It warmed me... it was so wonderful. I heard footsteps, they were footsteps I have heard before. Then a knock came to my door. "Morning love! Are you going to sleep the day away? You know what today is..." a male voice said and I knew that British accent anywhere. "Of course, Father, Happy Birthday!" I said as I then stood up, my night gown drapeing down around my feet. "I am glad that we are now celebrating your birthday now, father, at least Flare is gone for good."

"Flare has always been a bad one. He was always jealous of me. I was the favorite... My mother always saw the darkness in him the most... When our parents died in The Great Fea War, he just turned darker. I am so sorry you had to go through that..." Father said and he came to me and gave me a hug. "I am so thankful for you, Roselea..." and I could feel drops falling on my face from my father. "I love you too, Father. I would never ever leave you."

The Flare incident was a few months back, but my father still thought about it. I think that ever since that happened, he had been scared to lose me again and have me injured again. I was glad that I was home, with my father and the Labyrinth was safe again.

"Father, I am going to the garden!" I yelled and then he came to me. "Roselea, could I go with you? I haven't been to that garden in awhile." And I happily said yes and we went to the garden.

Once we got to the garden, I could smell the roses, tulips, and many other flowers. The trees had fruits of many colors, the bushes had berries, and all the flowers were in bloom. It was beautiful. "You are doing a wonderful job with this garden, Roselea. This place is beautiful."

"And it is very calm. I love this place. I made a place that reminded me of Flare but now it is a beautiful place full of peace. I hope to pick some flowers." And I had my wicker basket and started picking some of the many flowers in my flower bed. White, purple, yellow, and many colors in between.

"Would you like to sit down Father? There is a table and a couple chairs over there in the shade." I said and my father, Jareth, had went over there in the shade.

"This is quite a beautiful place. I wish to come here more often."

"You can, just let me take you there or ask the Labyrinth for help to find it. Make 2 rights and 3 lefts in that order to get to the garden."

Then I had a basket full of fruit and another basket full of flowers. I wanted to make bouquets of flowers. Then we then left the garden, my father now loved that spot, and then went back to the castle.

Once I got back to the castle, I made bouquets and placed one in a vase in my father's room and one in my room.

It was a beautiful day, and it was going to turn into a gorgeous night.

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