It's Not The Same Without You

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*Jareth's POV*

I looked at my Labyrinth, it was growing grey. Abuptly someone bursted through my door. "Your Highness! Someone is storming the Labyrinth, sire. It's turning the Labyrinth all grey!" A goblin said, then I looked outside again. That little witch... she is trying to take this Labyrinth by force, all by herself.

"Prepare to defend, we can't physically attack her. She will just absorb the attack. If she gets to the Goblin city, evacuate the city, the whole Labyrinth... she will never truly have this kingdom." I said and the goblin looked up at me. "What about you? You should leave with us! You are our king!"

"I will defeat her on my own... it's the way it has to be done." I said, and the goblin left. I let out a sigh as I sat down on throne. I looked at the throne next to mine, a smaller one for a girl. It looked like mine, but a bit more girlish. I missed Roselea... I shouldn't have sent her away, but I had to, she should never suffer like she did when Flare came. Then I heard screams from the city, many goblins running for their lives. She was here...

I sat at my throne, made a crystal and juggled it. I made more and juggled them as well. Then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. High heels, long dress, and her hair a mess, yep it was her...

"Well, if it isn't Jareth... you know that you should not banished my Flarey wary... he did nothing to you..." she said and she had her long nails filed to points. "Well, at least he is now where he belongs... besides, he corrupted you... you were such a nice girl till he turned into the fire king. He controlled you! Didn't you see that?! You were just another woman to see if he could get a hier! Plus, he poisoned you so much... you were so wonderful, Elizabeth." I said and she looked at me with flame like eyes. "First off, no one has called me Elizabeth in forever... and second, Flare was good to me, he gave me a life I wanted." Elizabeth said as she looked at me. "But, you were always a mommy's boy. You never wanted to be truly bad... Flare was a villian, you are just a goody two shoes trying to act all tough." She said, trying to make me mad. "I thought you liked me..."

"But you were poisoned, you are just a facade. I would never love you, you were marked. You should be with Flare right now." And I dropped a crystal to release smoke. "And I hope you find him, he would be overjoyed to see you..." I chuckled and threw my other crystals and they floated and spinned around her.

Then she broke the circle and sent me flying. She then made chains on me and she came right up to me. "Let's see who is poisoned now, Jareth..." and she kissed me and I tried to stop her, but she was successful. Then I blacked out...

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