Second Attempt: Going To The Labyrinth

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*Roselea's POV*

The human world is a very strange place, filled with things that look harmless but could kill you... why did people keep things like lighters, matches, alcohol, and dangerous chemicals in their home? Now, the castle has unsafe objects such as axes, spears, cannons, swords, and the bog of eternal stench... but in the right hands they are safe. I still don't understand why we still have goblins holding weapons and they sometimes are the clumsiest beings ever.

Then I decided to go up to Sarah's room and find my bag full of those transport coins. I went up there and was looking for the bag. It must be up here somewhere, but where was the question...

After that buzz I couldn't think straight at all... where was that bag?! I started getting really annoyed at myself... I had to find those coins! Where did they go?!

I was getting really irritated at myself, I got a tons stuff like this from my Father. Now I know how my Father feels...

Then I finally found them, thank the Great Fae of the Labyrinth! Now I needed Sarah to be ready to go. "Sarah, are you coming?!" And she ran upstairs and we both had coins in our hand. Ready to flip them.

*Jareth's POV*

I felt something weird with this Labyrinth. If Roselea was coming, which I didn't hope, then she should be in the Labyrinth by now...

But I actually wanted her to come... I want Roselea to come and take the Labyrinth back. Who knows how long I have until the Labyrinth is out of my control. If she comes soon, there will be 13 hours... please come Roselea!

Then I felt a glimmer of hope, I felt a magic signature I knew very well. Then Elizabeth came in and I had a smile on my face. "I will wipe that smile off your face, Jareth! What are you smiling about?!"

"There are runners in the Labyrinth... and your rein will come to an end, Elizabeth... she will defeat you. She is my daughter after all..."

Labyrinth 3 : Sarah's ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now