Labyrinth, Here We Come...?

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*Sarah's POV*

When early sun rose in the sky, Roselea was ready and raring to go. "Sarah! Are you awake yet?" She asked, like an impatient kid on Christmas. "Yeah, I am getting up..." I said, groggy, rubbing my eyes and Roselea wide awake, her Fae marks sparkling in the sunlight.

"Come on! We haven't got all day! We need to get to the Labyrinth!" She said, jumping like a little girl at a sleep over. "What has happened to you?" I asked and she looked at me with very wide eyes. "I had this crazy little drink you guys call Espresso! It gave me so much energy in a bitter taste that lasted a little bit." She said, which then got me to thinking and noted; don't ever give Roselea coffee.

"I have only had tea, many different types of teas, most of these here are so similar in taste to the ones at home." She said, making a crystal which poofed into a trapeze swing that she was swinging on, her legs the only thing holding her to the swing. Her head, pointed toward the ground and her bangs made her look like she had horns. "Its actually really fun like this, Sarah! Get ready! NOW!" She said, as she kept swinging. Once I got regular clothes on I watched her swing. "Ok, now what?" I asked and she leaped off the swing, flipped a few times and landed beautifully. "Well, now we go to the Labyrinth!!!" Her hands shaking and opening a bag. There were transport coins in it. "Ok, let's go!!" And we flipped the coins and....

Nothing... nothing happened... I was still in my room. "WHAT!?!? IT DIDN'T WORK!! WHY?! WHY..." and she broke down, crying... "I need to get home, I just need to... if I am not home, something will happen to my father. I need to get to him! I just need to..." she cried and then I heard footsteps coming to the door. "My step mom will be here, stop crying or hide your face or something. She won't understand." I said and she jumped on my bed and appeared to just fall asleep. It was really convincing too. "Sara, I am off to work, your father already left and Toby went to Day Care. I have a list of things for you to do since you don't have school today." My stepmother said through the door. "I was wondering, Rose's care takers said they will not be in town this week. Can she stay until they get back? She needs somewhere to stay." I said and she gave in by her sign of mumbling. "Yeah, I guess so. Rose, you could help Sara. And please be good you two." And I heard her heels walk down the stairs and heard the door shut. "Ok, are you ok,Roselea?" And she was fast asleep... 

*check out the picture up above. Never thought Jareth would look good in green...*

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