Help From Beyond

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*Jareth's POV*

"Jareth, I can help you out..." the voice came again, a familiar female voice...

"Mother? Your here?" I said and looked behind me. I saw my mother, her blond hair, green streaks, and her Fae marks that looked like mine but green. Her silver gloved hand was on my shoulder, her green dress very Victorian looking. She gave me a smile, and then took my hand. "Just because you are not always a healing Fae, doesn't mean you can't do it, my son." And she made crystals, her's were green from the very start. "Make a few crystals and circle them around her. Believe in your self, my child..." and we made a few more crystals, mine were still silver. "Now charge yours up, Jareth. Believe that you can heal your daughter. Use the most powerful magic in you." And the only magic that was powerful enough was music.
I began to sing...

I will be there for you...oo...oo...
As the world falls down...
Falling falling... falling in love...

And I couldn't continue... but then Sarah took my other hand and started singing.

I'll paint you mornings of gold, I'll spin your valentine evenings, but we're strangers till now... We're choosing the path between the stars... I'll leave my love... between the stars.

Then we held hands and sang together...

As the pain sweeps through, makes no sense for you... every thrill is gone... wasn't too much fun at all... but I'll be there for you...oo.oo..

As the world falls down... as the world falls down... falling...falling..falling in love.

Then I leaned and kissed Sarah...

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