The Castle Beyond The Goblin City

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*Sarah's POV*

I have never seen the Goblin King so frazzled. He was a wreck with out his daughter. He ran next to me, Rosalea in his arms. She looked lifeless... "How much of that stuf did this chick put into you?" I asked Jareth and he thought about it. "About enough to put a normal Fae in a coma for a month. But it's been in my blood stream for awhile so it's broken down some. I hope Rosalea will be ok..." and Jareth had a worried look wash over his face. He really had a caring heart in him after all. We then got to the city doors. "Shall we wait?"

"There is no time,Sarah! We need to get to that castle and why did you aske that silly question!?" Jareth yelled at me and I didn't say a word.

"I didn't say a thing!"

"I know your voice when I hear it. I am not deaf!"

"Well I didn't say it!"

"Prove it!"

I then shoved the door open and it revealed another me?!

"Jareth! That's the imposter! She is just tricking you!" The other me said, myself knowing who I am. "That is the imposter Jareth! You know who I am!" I yelled and Jareth really couldn't think. "Ok! The real Sarah would no this tune and be able to know when I did this." And we both nodded.

*Jareth's POV*

There is two Sarahs! I honestly didn't know what to do but singing a song only the real Sarah knows will work.

It's such a sad love
Deep in your eyes
A kind of pale jewel
Open and closed within your eyes
I'll place the sky within your eyes

Then the Sarah closest to me smiled, "Thats that song you sang to me when I was dancing with you in the peach dream." And that was the real Sarah. Then the other one transformed to Eleizabeth and she ran to the castle. We all ran after her.

Once we got to the throne room, someone hit me very hard and knocked Roselea out of my hands. She fell to the floor and Elizabeth went for her.

Then Roselea opened her eyes and grabbed Elizabeth, which was now struggling.

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