Knowing Right From Wrong

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*Roselea's POV*

Running...running...running... that's what I have been doing for awhile. I seemed like I wasn't going anywhere. "There is still no turns or openings anywhere! This still seems like this isn't a Labyrinth..." Sarah said as she ran behind me. "That's because I am looking for a specific turn here. I memorize the turns and pathways. If I feel like I am going on the right track, my memories help me find my way home." I said running and then we stopped to take a breather. "Now if I we are going the right way I would... KNOW IT!" I yelled when I stepped onto a trap door. I fell into the pit and I tried to break Sarah's fall with my vines. "I know this smell anywhere. We are in one of those musty Oubliettes..."

*Jareth's POV*

The more time I was chained to the wall, the more I felt the need to see what Roselea was doing. I formed a crystal and tried to look at it, but it fell out of my hands and broke into millions of pieces. I needed to see what my daughter is up to, I need to know if she is alright. I then tried to make a crystal again and it was successful. I was able to see what Roselea and... Sarah? She was here? She was in the Labyrinth again? I then saw Elizabeth walking toward them, looking like me.

*Roselea's POV*

I then looked around and someone walked into the room. Then lit some candles. It was my father! "Father! What are you doing here? Why did you send me away!? I can help you with anything!" I said, hugging him. He didn't feel right to me, he was warm, but really warm, but his heart seemed like it was frozen. He didn't even give me a big hug back. All he did was a little hug and stopped. Something was going on, and I had a strange feeling. "How are you my dear? I missed you, love. I am so sorry I sent you away. I just wanted to protect you." He said, his accent the same, but the way he said it was not right. "How are you Sarah? Thank you for bringing my daughter to me. We should probably get out of this Oubier..."

"Father, you don't seem the same. Are you okay?" I said, questioning my father.

"Now why are you asking silly questions? I am your Father after all, I know that I am fine." He said, his accent a little bit off.

"You don't act fine! You just called this Oubliette a Oublier. Oublier means to forget, it's a verb."

My father was stammering, he couldn't get words out.

"Not to mention you are cold. You seem to not have a heart."

He still couldn't get words out.

"What is it Father?! Fae got your tongue?! You always twist your words!"

I kept stepping closer to my father, pointing at him every point I made.

"I see you are a faker! You know why?! Your eyes match! You are not my father! I don't know who you are but you are not my father, Jareth!"

Then he grabbed my throat, he was cloaking me. Then I saw him change, it was a woman. "You little Fae! You never make fun of my imitations, you hear little girl!?" And she threw me into the wall...

*Sarah's POV*

I watched Roselea get slammed into a wall, she must be unconscious. I ran to her but the woman grabbed me. "What are you doing here, Human?! You shouldn't be in a Fae realm. I still don't see how Jareth could fall in love with such a weak, pitiful, little girl." Then a crystal hit her head. I turned my head to see Roselea, up and crystals in her hands. "Get away from Sarah!" And she used her vines to grab me and she then attacked the woman. "Who are you?!" Roselea asked.
"I am your aunt, child. My name is Lizzie, and you will pay for what you have done to my husband, Flare. At the price of Jareth's Life and the Labyrinth... you can't stop me..."

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