Expect The Unexpected

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*Jareth's POV*

As the chains kept rubbing my on my wrists, I got annoyed at the fact I could only move my arms so far. Then Elizabeth came in, she must be all fired up. "You have got a very smart girl on your hands, Jareth. Well, a deal is a deal. But I did find some fruit in that garden of yours in the Labyrinth, you must be hungry." She said as she held a jucy apple to my face. I was hungry... ugh... I wish I had breakfast...

"Well, I guess I can have an apple, but you need to unchain me first, Elizabeth. I can't just eat it without my hands." I said and she shoved the apple in my face. I bit down on it and I could feel the juice on my lips. That apple was sweet. "Where are my manners Jareth... I guess I slipped a little..." and I felt so strange. That apple was a little too sweet... like birthday cake sweet... "What have you done?" I asked sleepily, I felt like I haven't slept in days... I needed to test my eyes...

"Jareth, you are not the only one that uses fruit to get what they want. Pleasant dreams, Jareth... because they may never come true..."

*Roselea's POV*

Lizzie was gone... then Sarah was rubbing her throat. "Thank you for standing up for me back there. I really appreciated it." Sarah told me and I smiled a little. "Well, someone had to come to your rescue, Sarah. Plus my Father would kill me if something happened to you." I said and then we found a door out of the Oubliette. Then I took us to the upper end of the Labyrinth. This was really strange. The Labyrinth changes rapidly, but not this rapid. Also not this much change. This was really strange indeed. I didn't remember this part of the Labyrinth at all. Then I got tangled... in vines?! Then they picked me up, over a familiar place with the biggest smell in the world. THE BOG OF ETERNAL STENCH!

*Sarah's POV*

Roselea was lifted up by vines over the bog! "Roselea!" I yelled and she was yelling, not wanting to fall in the bog. "What are you doing my dear?" A voice said, it was the vines?
"Did you just talk to me?" I asked the vines.
"Yes, I did my dear. I am the special vines of another land. I just came here, I got replanted. Now, I should release that princess now..." and the vines was trying to release Roselea. "NO!" and the plant released Roselea. She was yelling and falling! I then ran and jumped!

*Roselea's POV*

I was falling into the bog. Good bye, Father. And I closed my eyes...

Then I opened my eyes to me on the ground and Sarah on the ground next to me. "Sarah? Are you okay Sarah? Please tell me you are alive... I can't have you die... you saved me...." I found myself crying over Sarah. Someone I hated when she first came into the Labyrinth but grown to like her. "Sarah, stay with me, stay with me..." I said, crying over Sarah. I then used my hands and made crystals. The crystals than turned green and circled her body. I then made a glowing light in my hands and moved it above her body, hoping it will heal her. Then her eyes fluttered opened. "Sarah! Thank all the Guardian Fae that you are ok!" I said hugging her. It felt strange, I felt a warmth in my heart for Sarah. "I am just glad you are okay, I didn't eat you to get hurt, Roselea. Jareth would never forgive me if you ever got hurt. I had to save you, so ran and jumped to grab you and we landed safety on the other side of the bog. Then I was out like a light." Sarah explained. I felt like a fool for treating her so poorly in the past. "Sarah, have I told you why I haven't really been fond of you?"

Labyrinth 3 : Sarah's ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now