Contacting The Others

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*Roselea's POV*

"Its me Father!! It's me! Can you hear me?" I yelled at the crystal. "Yes, I can, a little too well, my dear. Now please quiet down. I can't believe a crystal popped up out of nowhere!" Jareth said as he smiled at me. "Why? Can't you make crystals?" I asked, I was questioning this fact. "No, my power is being drained due to Faeavane. This stuff burns so much, I feel strange at times. I wish you could..." and I quieted my father. "If you wish me there I can be in the same boat you are in! Don't wish! I will be there as fast as I can." And then my father looked around and looked like he was dazed. "Are you okay? You don't look like yourself, Father?" And I looked into the crystal. "I don't feel so great, Roselea, but you will be fine. Try to use your crystal to track me. It will help you get to me. Then you can get rid of Elizabeth."

"Who is Elizabeth?" Sarah asked and Jareth looked so surprised. "Sarah! I can't believe you are here! Why are you here?!"

"Please just answer our question and I will answer yours at a better time." Sarah said to the crystal and my father had this smirk on his face. "Elizabeth is Roselea's Aunt... she wants to do something with me, but I don't know what." My father said

"What has she done to you?"

"She has drugged me with a apple, transformed into Sarah a few times and forced herself on me. She as successfully kissed me at least four times."

Then it dawned on me... she must be... no she can't be...

"Father, so you think she is one of the dark Fae?" And my father's eyes got wide. "Of course! She is not like a normal Fae at all... Fae only love once, dark Fae are revengeful little pains. She must want to...sacrifice me..." he said and I couldn't believe I was right!

"I will track you right away, please be safe Father!"

"Good luck, Roselea. I love you my little rose, my little sunshine..." and I cried after his face disappeared from the crystal and the crystal tracked where my father's whereabouts.

"Lets go, Sarah, we haven't got all day!" And we ran on the path, going into the forest.

*Jareth's POV*

I looked at the crystal, the only one I must have made since I was in here. I hated this place, I started to get irritated with this whole situation... But Roselea was right, Elizabeth had to be a Dark Fae. She must be, no ordinary Fae could love again.

"Well, how are things, Jare Bear..." a familiar female voice said to me, I started to hate this voice. "I am still the king of this castle, you adress me as Jareth, not your pet name for me you dark witch." I said, I was really irritated now. "Well, if I am such a witch, why am I dropping food for you?"

"You only drop some apples, peaches and nothing else. Most are brused, like your heart, and some are rotten, like yourself. Others are poisoned like you are. I haven't had a proper meal in a few hours!" I yelled, I stood up and fell back down because I was really weak.

"Well, I could do worse, here, there is some water for you!" She said as she dropped a glass bottle and it shattered into millions of pieces. The glass cutted me and I had just about enough. "You listen here you witch! You drop something else that can hurt me and so help all the great Fae I will be up there to finally get my revenge on you! I hate you! You are just a dark Fae wanting your husband back! You will never get him back as long as I breathe air!"

"That can be arranged, Jareth. I would love to drown you... that's my secret dream... but why waste the oubliette...  I just love to see you in pain..." and she cackled and left. I sat there... please come Roselea and Sarah! I need you!

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