Chapter 10

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Me and Carl walk in and don't see Denise. There are three rooms though so we check 2 of the rooms and then me and Carl both go in the back room together. There she is. "Denise!" I say and put a foot forward. But the Wolf that shoved her in there is holding her by the neck and has a gun pointed directly at her head. "Move one more step and I shoot!" The Wolf yells. First of all Denise is really kind and doesn't deserve to die and second of all we need her for Carol. "We need Denise to help an injured person" Carl says. "I need her to help me" the Wolf says "I'm bit and she can help me." "No she can't help you when your bit" Carl says. Carl puts a foot forward and the Wolf tenses up. The gun is touching Denise's head now and one move can put a bullet through her head. "Take me" I say "don't kill her take me I can help you I was taught by my mom how to help wounds and I'm a good shot." He sits there and pulls the gun away. He stands up and grabs me. "No!" Carl says. "No Carl its fine just take Denise to Carol Go!"Carl, Maggie, and Denise start to cry but they start to walk out the door. I realize my life is going to end soon as I watch the people I care about walk away.

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