Chapter 16

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"Put the gun on the ground, Now!" The woman said that had the gun pointed at Carl. I slowly put the gun down. "Don't hurt them" I say. "Well we need you to come back with us" she said. Me, Carl, and Enid looked at each other. We were all scared and before we knew it we were in a truck with bags over our heads. I could see under the bag and saw Carl was next to me. We had ropes around our wrists but I still got my hand into his. "Its ok" Carl whispered to me and Enid. "Hush it!" The lady that I shot said. I felt tears go down my face and Carl's grip get tighter. When the truck stopped we got put into a building. We three were tied up in a room and we had gags in our mouths. Enid started to cry. This is the first time I saw her cry. "Enid" I tried to say but it muffled cause of the gag. I hated seeing Enid cry and when I looked at Carl I started to cry. He looked frustrated but afraid. "Well you ain't getting out of this" this lady said. "Since your gonna die anyways I might as well tell you three our names I am Lilly, the woman you shot is Alisa, and that guy over there is Mike." Lilly said. Mike and Lilly go out for a moment and then someone shows up. Someone familiar.

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