Catch Me If You Can

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My first story on wattpad and hopefully you enjoy it :)


Chapter ONE: Watch Me Run

The cold, frosty air blew through the door as another customer walked into the cafe. I was a little unsure if this cafe could fit that many more people inside but being the only supply of warmth for the town, I'm sure we could sacrifice a little space. Except I wouldn't be sacrificing any more space if that door kept opening, letting the cold air in, that was definitly not welcome. Hypothermia was definitly one of my major fears at the moment; I admit sitting right next to the door may not have been the smartest idea when I came in, but the place was already too packed to move to a different table. 

I clutched the take-away cup of hot chocolate in my hands as the door opened again. Again. I had to restrain the sudden urge to get up and yell at everyone to get out and to stop opening the bloody door but I realsed that was a little weird because to get out you had to open the door and I just told everyone not to open the door. How smart I had gotten over the years still amazed me and honestly, I wasn't even being sarcastic which was a little scary. 

I looked around at everyone in the cafe, giving everyone a glare, expressing the physical pain they had caused me when everyone had opened the door: seriously my look basically said, "Take a step closer and you won't ever get to reproduce," and I didn't miss the few laughs from the people who knew me well enough to know what that expression meant.

Living in such a small town, you got to know everyone pretty well, which basically meant that your family wasnt constricted to three or four people and instead, pretty much the whole town. That meant your parents had gotten very busy becoming the modern society version of Adam and Eve. Still scanning the room, I was surprised when I saw an unfamiliar face. Like I had said before, you knew everyone like the back of your hand and a new face in this town was about as likely as finding a needle in a haystack. 

He must have been the person who had just walked through the door last, because he was still walking around trying to find a seat to sit down at -or at least, I think that's what he was trying to do but he wouldn't stop staring at me. To be fair, I didn't stop staring at him but it was kind of hard not too with that intoxicating green eyes that just seemed to draw you in...

Gosh, he was perfect. Well looks wise, who knew what he was actually like; because at the moment, all he was doing was staring at me so I wouldn't even be surprised if his name was Peter File -but it's not like I was complaining because he was very, very good looking.

Oh, that's probably why he was staring at me out of everyone else in this room. I looked like a pale crack whore because I had forgotten to put any makeup on or do anything with my hair. I probably looked homeless where as he looked like he had just stepped out of a magazine for the World's Hottest Men. It was unfair how mean life was. 

However apperently he had been so busy staring at the pale crack whore also known as me, he missed Cassandra (the waitress) who walked straight into his chest. Now that woudln't have been that bad except she had been carrying a coffee and when they hit each other, it spilt although over the Mystery Man's shirt. He let out a string of swear words as he shook his arm, trying to get the burning drink off his arm while Cassandra looked on in shock at what she had just done (she had been to busy making googly eyes at Dom, her fiance). Now while this was happening, the whole cafe had stopped talking and had fallen absolutely silent because apperently even the coffee machine had obviously decided that it would take a break and shutup. 

I couldn't help the snicker that left my mouth but instantly regretted it as Mr Hottie turned my way, his facial expression hard and angry and quickly he turned back, nodded at Cassandra who was still just standing there shocked and then swung around on his heel and left the shop. As soon as he left, the chatter in the cafe returned (obviously almost everyone was talking about the hot new stranger in town) and I just looked at the door shocked and confused, not even caring about the rush of cold air that entered the room as he left, chilling me to the bone. I really hoped the weather imrpoved soon but again, that really wasn't my main thought right now. 

I didnt want to admit it, but it may have been my fault that he just left.  Haha, oops?


So that's my first chapter done and hopefully you like it.

If you do make sure you comment and vote and yeeww (this hasn't been edited so sorry for any mistakes).

Also if you are wondering why the chapter is called Watch Me Run well it was mainly because he ran out of the cafe and they were watching each other the whole time and the reason I have that song on the side (which I would love you too vheck out) is becuase I love that song so much and its kind of catchy to listen to while your reading this book...assuming that people are reading this :) Anyway... 

Thanks, xxxxxx


P.S the next chapter should be up bu tomorrow...hopefully!

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