Chapter Four: Do you see strange men vomiting yet?

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Catch Me If You Can

Chapter Four: Do you see strange men vomiting yet?

I didn't waste any time last night finding an excuse to leave my friends (and Austin, I wasn't really sure if he was a friend), claiming my dad had texted me and asked me too come home. The moment I walked through the door was literally the most happiness I have ever felt in my life. Seriously, it was like a tsunamia and I realised either I would never talk to Austin again or I would get speech therapy and honestly, both of those options sounded pretty bad. 

So now, I was sitting in my bedroom, slowly mudering my hair with a straightener, thinking about all the embarrising things that happened last night. And how I was almost 100% sure I had seen Austin on Australia's Next Top Model in the surfing photo shoot -not that I am a big fan of Australia's Next Top Model and would happily rip out those fake hair extensions that all the models seem to adore if the oportunity came up, but I really would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the topless male models on the show. You would be too -assuming you have actually seen the show...

I shivered and ran the straightener through my hair again, the weather at the moment was incredibley irratating, espicially to know that in about 2 months the temperature would be about about 50 degrees.

I owe you one, weather.

I sighed and ran my hand through my now straight hair. The party of the year was less then four hours away and I couldn't feel one ounce of happiness or excitement about it. I'd probably spend the next week on my computer untagging myself from all of those embarrasing photos on facebook that people will put up and suffering from a terrible hang over the next few days so honestly, I wasn't pumped about this. Maybe I just wouldn't drink.

I laughed out loud, that was about as realistic as a pig with wings. And I'm sure most of you are tutting at your computer screen right now but seriously, with the friends I have, I don't know how I would cope if I didn't drink. Espicially after my spectacular performance last night and Aubrey's 'oh so kind words'. Seriously, I owe her one.

My phone vibrated next to me and I sighed, reaching for it, reading the new text.

Anonymous: Hey :)

I looked at the screen with a raised eyebrow before another text came through.

Anonymous: Tyler gave me ur number after u left. Its Austin

I stared at the screen like it was about to attack me; possibly about to give birth to a baby elephant, I was in that much shock. A million questions were running through my head right now but the one that stood out the most was why would he want my number?

I shrugged it off before adding him to my contacts and typing my reply, then pressing send.

Me: Hey

A few seconds later, I got his reply.

Austin: this is Mona right?

Me: yea :) are u going 2 the party 2night?

Austin: Think so, u need a ride?

This time I defintely gave birth to something, although whether it was a baby elephant or not I wasn't entirely sure. But before sending my reply I thought about it for a minute, did I want a ride with him? After what I said last night I wasn't entirely sure; and why he wasn't scared by me, again I wasn't sure. But then again, it seemed like he was going to become good friends with Eric and Tyler, so I should probably try to get along. Let's be honest, if I ever did end up mudereing Tyler, it would be helpful if I didn't have to kill Austin as well just because he'd pick Tyler over me. Haha, no I'm not a future murderer, I just have a bit of an anger issue.

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