Chapter Two: The jerk's stomach

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Catch Me If You Can

Chapter Two: The jerk's stomach

I stared into the distance, the shock still not wearing off that our town could attract the attention of someone new. And if that wasn't weird enough, the stranger was good looking as well!

Now, that alone could get me confused for days, except at the moment, I was a little distracted. And to be honest, I wasn't sure if I was more distracted by the rumurs that were flying arund the cafe faster then a hummingbird on steriods or the fact that he had been staring at me. Me!

At times, with enough makeup, I could pass as reasonabley pretty but that was still arguable. Now remember, I'm sitting here with a nakid face -and unforntuately that didn't mean it was covered in Nude. 

Except maybe he hadn't been staring at me -maybe he had been staring at something or someone behind me; I swiveled around in my chair, only to be met with a brick wall -also known as Tyler Samson's stomach or you could always just call it loser or jerk's stomach if you wanted because that fit better then his actual name.

Seriously, the amount of times I could have been charged for attempted murder or even thoughts about murder were incredible because it was even longer then Jeff the Killer's actal murder list; and here's the thing, the only person I have ever thought of killing is the boy in front of me.

"Oh, hello Mona," Tyler smirked down at me and I clutched the cup of hot chocolate in my hand -oh how desperatley I wanted to wipe that cocky smirk off his face.

"Morning," I hissed at him, flicking the hair out of my face.

"Have you heard about the new guy in town yet? I heard he moved here because his mom's grandparents used to live here and they moved back when his mother discovered his father's unhealthy obsession with the next door neighbour," he paused and his grin widened. "The next door neighbour was a man."

I nodded at him before turning my gaze to the table, lifting the hot chocolate to my lips and taking a sip. "I heard his family wanted a change after an unfortunate accident involving a local swimming pool and blood. It was his mom that asked for the move after she got kicked out of the water," I chuckled at Tyler's facial expression, letting him draw his own conclusions about the mystery man's mother. Honestly, I hadn't heard that rumour, I'd just made it up but it was worth it for Tyler's face right now -although hopefully he wouldn't tell anyone else what I made up; although that would be pretty entertaining.

I took another sip of my hot chocolate as I watched the entertaining show of Tyler's facial expressions as they changed to confused to shocked to disguested -oh, if only I had a video camera right now.

"Seriously?" Tyler gagged. "That's gross."

I laughed at him, seriously this was really entertaining. I knew the mention of blood and female family members woud be enough to spook him. A chance I couldn't pass up. 

"So, anyway," I asked, changing the subject. "Do you know the guy's name?"

Tyler shrugged, "Think it's Austin but I don't know. Do you reckon he will be going to go to the party next weekend?"

I grimaced. The party, next weekend, was a tradition that the younger citizens of the town had every year. It was actually named the 'Night of Horrors' although it was basically just a party, not anything to fear (well, except for the horror hangover the next morning); it was only called the 'Night of Horrors' because it was it was on the saturday of the week that halloween was in, so apperently the name fit. And it fit about as well as a butterfly with fairy wings -it worked but not well.

Anyway, the party was held at Christie Parrish's house; her parents had discovered 6 million dollars in a court in the closest city (which was about 3 hours away) quite a few years ago and their house was about as big as Gina Rinehart's house or castle as I preferred to call it.

I wasn't really sure if her parents knew about the party that was held there every year for the past 6 years, but it didn't really matter because it was a party and it was good. It also had the reputation of being the best party of the year and the one that had the most regrets, because when you woke up the next morning with barely any clothes and a blank memoryof what actually occured, it was almost impossible not to want to know what had happened the night before -although when you actually found out what happened...well you weren't that happy (or proud) afterwards. 

But it was a great party and one that everyone looked forward to all year round, I definitely hoped that Austin or whatever his name was, would be attending this year because I was sure things would get a lot more interesting this year if he did. 


YAY! That's the second chapter done! And I know I promised I would put it up yesterday (and the day before) I didn't get round to it and I'm super sorry for that!

I promise that the next chapter will be put up quicker and I hope your enjoying this book so far and please vote and comment if you do. Also, it hasn't been edited (neither of the chapters) and I will be getting around to that soon so yeaa. 

Anyway, enjooyyy!



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