Chapter 8: Don't take it personally

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Thanks for the votes in the last chapter! And hopefully you all had a good father's day! Well I think you had father's day...but it could be just Australia who is having it today. I'm not really sure ahah.

Anyway I went to see Wil Anderson yesterday (he's a comedian) and oh my god, I was literally crying with laughter the whole time...I'm still confused about how stand up comedians can be funny but he was soooo funny.

Also I am thinking of having Alexander Koch as Tyler but please tell me if you don't like it :)

Please comment and vote and message me if you want a cover or me to check out your story! Also I am having an obsession with Maroon 5 at the moment so that's why I keep choosing their songs :D hehe

Five votes for the next chapter :3 sorry

Love you, xoxo



Catch Me If You Can

Chapter Eight: Payback's A B*tch

"What, bad timing?" Eric asked nervously as he looked between us.

"You could say that," Aubrey frowned. "Ah, so who's next?"

Austin looked away awkardly and Tyler just looked embarrassed. Apparently empathy wasn't an emotion that Tyler had.

"I'll go," I said, trying to break the tension, leaning further back into Tyler's chest, literally sucking up his warmth. I felt like a leech. "I choose dare."

Aubrey grinned at me and I then I realised that was probably one of the stupidest things I had done in my life. Somehow, I don't think Aubrey would be considerate of my opinions on doing the things that she was thinking of and by the time I realised that, I was literally naming off all the swear words I could use to insult her. She was literally the devil in disguise when it came to Truth or Dare.

"Hookup with Austin," She grinned at me.

What the fu-

"What?" Austin interrupted my thoughts and I literally had no words to say to her.

My mouth was hanging open in shock, I still couldn't believe that had come out of her mouth. Although I could just be going dead and misheard her or something...maybe she said hookup with autism or something.

Oh, yeah Mona, that's going to work really well for you isn't it? Just go ahead and hookup with autism because obviously that's something you can do, right?

"Hookup with Austin," Aubrey repeated and I knew she definitely didn't mean autism. "You guys want to become good friends right? Well nothing gets you closer then that."

"No offence Austin, but I'm going to have to say no, Aubrey," I said, scowling at her and she grinned back at me.

"Well that's fine with me, Mona," Aubrey grinned at me and I literally felt my blood run cold. I hated this girl sometimes, "But you know what happens when you so no to a dare."

Ok, so let me explain something to you people who don't know what happens when you say no to a truth or dare. Basically, you have to loose and item of clothing that can't be shoes or socks and although that may not sound so bad, I was currently wearing a dress. I had no urge to take that off...except I didn't have an urge to kiss Austin either. Now, he was almost definitely one of the best looking people I have ever seen but seeing as I can't even hold a normal conversation with him without doing something weird, well I didn't have high hopes for kissing him.

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