God Dammit!

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I dosed off in the dirt in the middle of the woods, not even noticing I did.

A Few Hours Later

I woke up in the dark. The sky was black, and a bunch of trees was blocking a majority of it. No light at all, except for the sunlight reflecting off of the moon's surface. My body ached real bad, I couldn't move around a lot.

My breathing was slower than usual and it felt like my insides were going to pour out of my ass. I slowly lifted myself off of the ground and winced in pain as I did. I grabbed my underwear and pants and slipped them back on slowly. Almost zombie like.

I stood up, not able to balance myself correctly. My head hurt, my face hurt, I just wanted to go home and snuggle in my warm bed, and pretend like everything that happened hours before never happened.

I tried walking, but in between my legs hurt, so walking turned into limps. I limped my way through the dark woods, unaware of any animal that can come and attack me at any minute.

I was now out of the woods. I saw the bright street lights lining the street while only a few cars rode by. My body was all dirty, my hair, my clothes, my face, everything.

I began to limp my way home. A few pedestrians ran away,  frightened by my zombie-like demeanor. It's sad how they didn't come to discover what's wrong and help me.

I just continued on my way home. When I arrived, I saw a police cruiser parked outside. I limped onto the porch, turned the door knob, and went inside.

"DIAMOND! OH MY GOD!!" My mom screamed in relief. She ran over and hugged my dirty body tightly. Tears began to descend from her eyes and drip onto my shoulder. "Mi hija, where were you? I've been worried sick! I even called the police. And what happened to your face?" She asks as she lets go and holds my shoulders.

I didn't respond. It's like my voice was trapped inside my throat. Two police officers were standing five feet away by the couch. My eye sight began to get blurry.

"Diamond?" My mom called. Out of nowhere I just collapsed. "Diamond!"

My hearing began to get faint. My mom screamed, as I heard an officer calling in an ambulance. A little later, I heard the piercing sound of sirens. Next thing I know, I was out like a light.

Later that night.

Diamond's Mom's P.O.V

Nervously, I paced outside of Diamonds hospital room, waiting for the doctor to tell me what's wrong with her.

What happened to her? She came home all dirty, and she wasn't answering me. Tears have been coming down non-stop, and I'm gonna have to take off from work tomorrow.

I stopped pacing when I saw the doctor emerge from the room. "So what happened to her? Is she alright? Is—"

"Ms.Rodriguez...please stop asking questions. I'm gonna tell you that your daughter is okay, she's still sleeping. I ran some tests and It comes to find out...she's been raped...vaginally and analy." The doctor spills.

I quivered in disbelief as I clutched my chest. My daughter has been raped. I cried harder.

"And it's not from just one person...maybe three or four more people were involved in this activity too." He adds in.

"Can I just go and see her?" I asked while tears dripped from my chin.

"Sure." I quickly ran into the room. She was all cleaned up and in a hospital dress. She was covered by a layer of blankets and the bruise on her face has gotten smaller.

I stroked her hair and cheek. Her eyes slowly eased their way open. A smile slowly appeared on my face.

"M—mom?" She called, squinting her eyes open.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

The door opened and two officers walked in holding clipboards.

"Good evening ma'am, I'm detective Richards, and this is detective Samayoa, we need to question your daughter." One officer exclaimed.

"Can you do it tomorrow morning? She just woke up and—"

"We need to question her now." He said cutting me off.

"Look. It's late as hell, and she just woke up. She can barely speak God dammit! Just do it in the morning so she can get her rest!" I yelled getting agitated. The officers stayed silent and walked out of the room. That's what I thought.

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