Twin Bonding

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*Hey everyone, the sequel you've all been waiting for! I introduce Reverse Family! Thank you to all the participants who sent in their cover entries. They were really amazing and awesome ^^. So I have finals today at school for the next two days. Second chapter will be up on Wednesday afternoon! Well let's head to the story shall we--->

+Blake and Akira's room+

The twins sat across from each other on their beds, Blake looking at the floor and Akira hugging his doll close to his body. Both of them unsure of how to bond with each other. Their parents had left them alone for the time being to get to know each other better and it wasn't really going too good.

"So... You lived with father for the past 13 years." Blake started talking unsurely.

"And you lived with mama for the past 13 years too. Um... If it isn't to much to ask, could you tell me stuff about what mama's like?" Akira asked shyly looking at his brother.

Blake smiled somewhat and nodded. He went on a long descriptive talk about their mother and how protective and kind he was. Like one time he got into a dangerous situation their mother took the problem straight on and saved him. Blake even admitted to Akira that he regretted that he couldn't even help his mother in that dangerous situation.

Then Akira went on to telling about their papa. How he was kind of a two face kind of person. In front of the townspeople, a very good person, while in actuality he was a sadistic kind of person. Also that their papa was very protective when it came to family.

The two twins were able to tell each other about themselves and got close in the process, still hesitant towards each other though. That still didn't stop them from talking to each other though.

"So we got the attic room huh?" Akira says looking around the room. Two twin beds on the opposite sides of the room and one triangle shaped widow between them. Chest, drawers, chairs, a board, table, and cabinets for them to use too.

Blake nodded, "This is practically the biggest room in the house besides the basement. Now that I think of it, no one wasn't really allowed to go in this room ever since I was a kid. Mother would always tell me to stay away from this room too. I wonder why..." He walked over towards his twin, but trip due to an uneven floorboard, and fell on the floor. "What the heck!"

Akira got off his bed and help his twin off the floor. "Does it hurt a lot?"

The twin shook his head. "No, but seriously." He looked over to the uneven floor board and pulled at it.

Surprisingly it came off easily. Blake put the board down next to him. The twins looked what was underneath that floorboard. They found three blue books and one red book. Akira took out the red book and saw a golden six fingered hand on the front of it with the number 3 painted on. Blake took one of the three blue books and noticed the silver PineTree on the front.

Akira opened the red journal and skimmed over the words and flipped through the pages. When he got near the end of the book he read a page.

•Entry 1: First day encounter•
This journal told me there was no one in Gravity Falls I could trust. But when you battle a hundred gnomes side-by-side with someone, you realize that they've probably always got your back. Our uncle told us there was nothing strange about this town. But who knows what other secrets are waiting to be unlocked.

Writing more soon,
Dipper Pines

The twins looked at each other with confused looks.

"So mother wrote in that journal..." Blake trails off when he saw Akira shake his head.

"Based on what mama wrote, it seems like someone wrote in this journal before him. The author I think." Akira theorized and flipped some more pages. "So I read another one?"

Blake nodded, "I never heard of mother's past before, seems interesting from what he's writing."

•Entry 19: A Dangerous Demon•
The journal was right about Bill Cipher. Gosh was he such a dorito too. I will back the author up on his point, never and I mean NEVER trust him, that includes making a deals with the demon. The dude's insane and dangerous. No thanks to him the deed to the shack was still stolen by Gideon. The good part a least was being able to kick Bill out of our Grunkle's mind. That's what matters the most.

Update later about the Shack situation,
Dipper Pines

Blake face scrunched in confusion. "Wait wait wait- Mother and the old man were enemies before? Great now I'm confused!" He exclaimed while throwing his arms in the air.

"Has mama ever talked about about his past, even a little?" Akira asked his brother.

"Now that I think about it, mother never really does. I think I use to hear some of it accidentally when I walk past mother and the old man a few times. Aunty Mabel kinda does talk about their past, but not too much of it that I know about this." Blake told his brother honestly. He opened the blue journal up while Akira closed up the red one and laid it across his lap. "Let's see what mother wrote in this one."

[Entry #1: New Journal]
Today I got this journal from my Father as a birthday gift and welcome back present. He even showed me my new room in the mindscape, pretty neat might I say: (picture insert). With this new journal I can document my own finding around the Gravity Falls area, but I gotta keep an eye out because one of the townsfolk might see me. Especially the Pines Family... Why did I ever trust them? Anyway I gotta survive living with Father now and keep myself in check, because I know it and swear it that Father will spoil me to no end. I can't be a spoiled brat now can I?

Write more soon,
Dominic D. Cipher

"Apparently mother is a whole mystery himself." Blake sighs and flipped through the pages of the journal, looking at well done illustrations and note taking.

"Aren't we with the Pines Family right now though? I mean you do live with Stanley and Stanford Pines at the moment." His brother looked at the door to their room. "I'm sure if we ask they might tell us."

Blake perked up when he came up with an idea and smirked towards his twin.

"I don't think that a good sign." Akira slowly says backing away from his brother.

The other shook his head, "No it's fine really, I say we go into mom's Mindscape tonight and look through his past memories." He whispered to Akira.

Akira looked unsure, "But won't we get in trouble? This is our mother we're talking about here. Born from Grandma Will and Grandpa Bill.

Blake gave him a reassuring pat on the back. "We'll be fine Akira~ Besides, I'm the twin that lived with mother for the past 13 years to know his habits.

"Fine, but if we get caught this is entirely your fault."

"I can handle that."

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