Bill's Story to the Kids

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+Mystery Shack: Living Room+

The kids were in the room being baby sat by Bill Cipher. Yup, Bill is babysitting Blake, Akira, and Ramania.

His lovely wife was out in the forest helping the creatures who live there. Illumi and Kryptos were off on a date together somewhere in the demon world. Stan and Ford were off fishing in the lake for the day. Mabel and Tad we're going shopping and hanging out with Mabel's friends. Soos and Wendy had the day off since the shack was closed so they hanged out with their friends or stayed at home. Finally, Tyrone and Dominic were off somewhere spending private time together. They were in need of some quality time together because they we're so busy before with getting the twins together and helping out Ramania get use to everyone.

Blake laid on the floor bored as he stared at the Tv. Akira laying on top of his twin, on his stomach, hugging him and his bear. Ramania sitting criss crossed on the floor watching the TV too. Bill sat on the arm chair looking at the kids who were bored out of their minds, literally.

"I'm soooo bored!" Blake exclaimed in a whine for some sort of amusement. His twin and Ramania agreeing in groans.

Bill rolled his eyes, "Then what do you expect me to do about it?" He asked in a deadpanned tone.

"Anything! Just to get our minds out of these boring shows!" Ramania say quickly.

Akira glanced at his Grandpa, "How about you tell us a story?"

"I'm up for it!" Blake and Ramania agree in sync and glared at each other. They stopped when Akira waved a hand between them and they looked away from each other.

Bill thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. "Alright, I can work with that. It's kinda an old story, but you guys might be interested in it." The twins sat up right and Ramania backed up a bit to give them room. Bill cleared his throat and smiled down at them. "It was long time ago, during the medieval times of this world." The blond told them using his magic to create a 3D scene in between them. "Our main characters are a young human boy," he created the image of the boy, "And a slightly older human male." Bill made another image of a taller male stand next to the younger boy.

The kids got a good look at them. The twins swore in their mind that they've see that image of the boy before. Ramania on the other had thought the older male was vaguely familiar.

"These two humans met each other in the woods one day. The younger one was out getting flowers and herbs, while the older one was gathering ingredients for restocking his resources. You see the boy was part of a family of medics and florists, but he had a curious mind and adventurous side of him that came from his great uncles. The older male's family were summoners, who used demons to help them in times of need for the kingdom's saftey. Sadly his family linage was losing fast, his mother dying the day before they met, making him the last of the summoners." Bill looked at the kids who were really foucused on his image magic and his story. They watched the the younger boy smiling happily with his sister and family. The older one suffered through the loss of his mother and quickly resolving himself not to fall weak. "They met each other and got acquainted, not quickly due to the older man's personality, but in time they became really close. They always spent time with each other when they had the chance and never wanted to be separated for too long. The boy's family drifting away from him as he got closer to the older one while he too also drifted away from his weights of depression that were pulling him down. The older one became like a father to him and the younger one became like a son. They knew all of each other's secrets and never let one get in between them."

The images of the two smiled and laughed together in enjoyment. Scenes showing fun times, the younger boy in the older one's lap as they read a book together under a tree. Another scene became the two practicing archery together.

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