Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas everyone! Here is my Christmas present from me to you :) Thanks so much for your support with this story.

+Mystery Shack: December+

Dominic sat by the window of his room as he wrapped his gifts for the children with a smile gracing his face.

Really, a few months later after Tyrone and Dominic's fight, they became even more lovey dovey with each other. People would see them so close together or making out whenever. Honestly though, they were happy for them.

The door to his room opened and Tyrone came in with his wrapped presents. "I'm back Dominic." The brunet put them down in front of the bed. Then went to his lover to place a chaste kiss on Dominic's lips.

The demon stopped midway wrap to kiss him back as he wrapped his arms around his neck. "Mhmm..."

Tyrone pulled back to give a smirk. "Is my demon needy?"

Dominic blushed red knowing he was getting excited again. So he turned back to his work on the table to distract himself. "It's your fault..." He mumbled a bit playful in his tone.

His counterpart pull a chair over to sit across from him. "You're too sweet dear, I can't help myself." He chuckled and held Dominic's hand. He loving gazed at his lover as he tried his best to wrap the gift up with one hand. "I love you."

The demon blushed an even darker shade of red. "I love you too." He responds as snow continues to fall to the ground outside of the shack. They watch it together for awhile as they enjoy each other's company.

+With the kids+

"I say B5." Ramania says with a concentrated expression.

"Miss." Blake states.

The female narrowed her eyes at him. " Are you lying to me Blake? Huh?" She cracked her knuckles to be somewhat threatening.

Blake smirked as he crossed his arms. "Why would good little me want to lie to you dear sister~" He says to her with an innocent tone even though the underline message was very different.

Akira sighed as he watched his twin and adoptive sister start about another fight. He shook his head and stood up from his seat to go to the kitchen. When he got there he saw Great Uncle Tad and Aunt Mabel just finishing up wrapping boxes. "Good afternoon Great Uncle Tad, Aunt Mabel."

"Hey PineNeedle, excited to spend your first Christmas with everyone as a family?" Tad asked the kid with a smile.

Akira nodded smiling back. "Of course."

Mabel giggled and waved her hand to get her nephew to come over. As he did get close to her, Mabel snapped her fingers and Akira was dressed in girl clothes.

"W-What?!" He stutters in surprise. The young demon looks himself over at his change of clothes. It was a simple, but elegant knee length dress. It's baby blue with dark trimmed designs along its fabric.

The female demon smiled happily at the appearances. "You look so cute, almost like a girl Akira! Maybe I should start making you a line of your own girl clothes for special occasions."

"Aunt Mabel haha..." He laugh a bit awkwardly. "Can I at least have my clothes back?"

"I'll give them back to you if," She smiles with a challenging expression, "you beat me in a little game I give you." Akira, being too curious just like his mother, leans to know what challenge he'll be given. Mabel taps the table with her finger. "You'll act like a girl for them time being until Blake figures out that it's actually you. If anyone else finds out its you tell them you're playing a game with me and they can't tell anyone else."

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