Make up

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+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack's backyard+

Bill and Ramania were able to get everything ready and smiled when they saw a portal open meaning they were back. The twins, Will, and Tyrone came out from the portal with smiles except for the brunet.

Bill was trying to be on his best behavior metally keeping himself in check. 'This is for our son... So he can be happy.' He kept thinking over and over again. The yellow demon restrained himself from verbal and physical fighting.

"Where's mama, Ramania?" Akira asked her.

She smiled down at Akira, "He's in his room sleeping. How about you and your brother go get him so we can start dinner."

Blake looked around, "Where's everyone else?"

"They're out in town because they decided to give us some room to do this." Their Grandfather told them quietly so Tyrone couldn't hear. "Now can you please get your mother.

The twins nodded and head into the shack to get their mother. They made it to their mother's room and knocked on the door.

"Mother you in there?" Blake asked from his side of the door.

"I'm here Blake, give me a second to unlock it." Their mother answered from the other side of the door. They could hear Dominic get out of his bed and walk to the door. It opened and the twins hugged him. He hugged them back with a laugh. "What's up you two?"

"All of us are having dinner in the backyard and it's ready. Grandfather and Ramania asked us to come get you so we can start eating." Akira tells him with a happy smile. Blake is already tugging on Dominic to pull him downstairs already.

Dominic laughed at his kids' actions again and nodded. "All right then lets go. No need to pull me you two."

The three of them walked downstairs hand in hand. Akira holding Dominic's right hand and Blake holding his left hand. When they got outside of the shack, Dominic smiled at his family that was there, but his smile dropped slightly when he saw Tyrone. The two of them didn't try to even make eye contact with each other. The atmosphere between them awkward and quiet as all of them sat down at the table filled with food.

"Um- Maybe it's better if I eat dinner later instead." Dominic says quietly, but his kids still heard him, as he slowly getting out of his seat.

Blake held his mother's sleeve tightly, "Mother, please eat dinner with us..." He looked up at Dominic straight in the eyes.

Dominic bit the inside of his cheek lightly, looking into his son's eyes. The very same colored eyes as Tyrone's alluring feature. He nodded reluctantly and sat back down in his seat.

Dinner went okay for the group, yet the two young parents weren't talking to each other at all. Akira looked at his brother and Ramania who nodded as a signal for them to start their secret weapon. Blake, Akira, and Ramania got up from their seats and stood in front of the table. Akira snapped his finger together and their clothes changed. The twins' clothes looked like younger versions of Tyrone and Dominic choice of wear while Ramania wore gothic style dress of black and purple.

"Now the kids wanna preform something for you two." Bill tells the two brunets at the table. He smiles and makes a stage for them.

For the first time the two counterparts share a confused glance at each other, though they quickly look away when their eyes met. Tyrone fiddled with his glass while Dominic looked down at his lap.

Blake snapped his fingers and the kids were now holding instruments in their hands. Akira had a blue and white drum set in front of him and took a seat behind it. Ramania had a black colored bass instrument in her hands and strummed the low purple chords with a smile. Blake held a baby blue guitar in his hands with white colored cords making a sweet contrast tune from Ramania's bass as he strummed the strings.

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