Mother's Memories [Part 1]

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+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack- Later that night+

Dominic and Tyrone were in the twin's room tucking them in for the night.

"Papa can I sleep with Tyrone for tonight please?" Akira asked Tyrone shyly.

"If your brother allows you then you may." Tyrone told his son. He watched as Akira got out of his bed and go over to Blake's bed.

Blake smiled at Akira as he came over to him. "What's up Akira?"

"Um, can I sleep beside you tonight? I'm not use to sleeping somewhere new, so I usual sleep next to someone I know." He wasn't really lying, Akira wasn't use to new places easily and needed to stay next to someone he knows until he could eased in. His twin nodded and he climbed into bed next to Blake.

Their parents kissed them on the forehead after they tucked them in and left the room with a 'good night'. They laid awake for awhile until they could go for their chance to jump into their mother's mind. Blake turned on the bed and faced Akira, whose eye looked ready to close.

"Stay awake Akira, it's almost time to go into mother's mindscape." He told to his twin, lightly patting his cheek.

Akira yawned and nodded. "Okay..." He responded tiredly.

After a few more moments, just to be sure, they finally went to their mom's mindscape.

+Dominic's Mindscape: With the Twins+

Blake and Akira used their powers to enter their mother's mindscape with ease. The mindscape of their mother is a vast forest of trees and clearings with a clear blue sky.

"We should go find where mama's past memories now." The younger twin said to his brother.

Blake took his twin's hand in his so that he didn't lose him on the way. "Keep close to me."

They wandered around the forest for awhile because they weren't really sure what part they were in. It took time, but they made it there eventually by finding a small cabin by a pond. The two ran up to the cabin and peeked into a slightly open window. Inside they saw their parents and grandparents.

"I'm so glad that we're all back together now." The twins heard their mother sigh in relief and hugged their father.

Tyrone nodded hugged his wife back. "That and the twins can finally grow up together. 13 years apart and we managed to raise them well." He tapped his chin in thought, "Then again my Dominic here probably had some problems because of Bill..."

Bill glared at Tyrone holding up his hand that was covered in blue flames. "You want some you sadistic brat!?" Say to his son's look alike.

"Oh please I can do way better you stupid triangle!" Tyrone retorted hand glowing with his powers from the amulet hanging around his neck.

Bill was hit up in the head by Will and Tyrone received a pinch to the ear by Dominic.

"Ow!/It hurts!"

"No fighting! We're a family for demon's sake!" Dominic exclaimed to them.

Will nodded, "Dominic and I could always leave without you guys with the kids for sometime. Maybe that's a good enough punishment, what do you think?" He asked looking at his son.

Dominic nodded in agreement. "Teach you a lesson not to fight with each other."

Bill immediately started pleading to his wife to never suggest or follow with that plan. Will just kept smiling awkwardly while not really listening to his husband. Tyrone was placing soft kisses on Dominic's face and sweet talking to make him think otherwise on his decision.

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