Seriously!? Again?!

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+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack+

"We've been over this people! We're not suppose to let Illumi cook with out supervision dang it!" Stan exclaimed to Tad, Mabel, Illumi, Kryptos, and his brother.

It had been a few days after the trip into Dominic's mindscape for the twins which was somewhat eventful until now. The twins just sat on the arm chair listening to Stan rant to the three older demons besides Illumi while they looked at the two young demons sitting in front of the tv watching a show.

Tad sighed shaking his head, "Who even gave permission to her in the first place?"

"That may have been my fault... I asked her to get some ingredients for me and prepare them, but didn't think she would cook them up." Kryptos admitted looking at his girlfriend with a disapproving look.

Illumi laughed nervously while fiddling with her fingers. "Sorry, I just couldn't help wanting to make something delicious for all of you to eat." She rubbed the back of her neck, "Sorry..."

Kryptos gave his girlfriend a kiss on the cheek, "It's fine, we'll just have to find another way to revert those two back into their normal selfs again." He saw Illumi blush which made him smile.

"Now is not the time to be lovey dovey love birds. There's still a mess to fix." Ford told them with a sigh and looked at the blue and yellow child watching tv. "You two will be finding those ingredients again. My brother and I will be working in the lab with a test sample from what Illumi made to find ways to reverse the effects. Mabel and Tad are well on babysitting duty."

The group nodded and went to their assigned work.

"Aunty Mabel?"

"What's up Akira?" Mabel cheerfully replied.

Akira and Blake couldn't help but keep staring at the two kids on the floor. "Are those kids really our Grandparents?" Akira asked her still not able to process that their Grandparents turned into little demon spawns.

Mabel nodded to the twins to confirm their question. "This happened before when your mom and I were still teenagers. Aunt Illumi made some soup for the first time for all of us to eat, but some of us weren't hungry at the time or didn't want to try her food. Only Will and Uncle Bill were the only ones to eat it. Now history repeats itself." The female demon laughed watching the yellow child get up on his feet.

"Where's our parents anyways?" Blake asked.

"Ah, they're out buying groceries since this morning. They should be coming back as we speak." Tad told the oldest twin and on cue the door to shack was opened. The loving pair walking inside with smiles on their faces.

"We're home!" Dominic called out happily, setting some of the bags down next to Tyrone's share of bags. He snapped his fingers and the bags appeared in the kitchen on the table. The couple appearing by the living room door with smiles aimed at their kids.

The twins were about to run and greet them back, but they were beaten by two little midgets.


Dominic fell backwards when the two younger look alikes tackled him to the floor. "Oof!" He let out a groan and looked at the two kids sitting on his stomach. "Seriously?! Again?! We been over this..."

"How did Illumi even get Bill and Will to even eat her food again is what I'm wondering." Tyrone said as he picked the two demons up.

Will seemed okay with Tyrone picking him up, but Bill on the other hand was struggling to stay close to Dominic.

"Let me gwo yew big weirdo! I want mom!" Bill whined at Tyrone. He even bit him on the hand to cause the brunet to drop him back on Dominic. Dominic caught Bill and received a hug from him with a big grin on his face.

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